Lieutenant Buttocks

Goodell should be fired for instituting the Thursday games. That idiocy killed truly casual fantasy football, which was helping prop up league interest as the game’s grown more efficient, more intelligent, and vastly more dull. It also by and large produced terrible product and at least gave the perception that it

i know a ton of people who are using the anthem protests as an excuse to cut the cord. These people were sick of the NFL (which is dull and plodding at this point) but couldn’t break the routine. They now have a moral reason to quit, and are jumping on it.

No one cared when it was Lynch sitting. People care because it’s Colin Kaepernick, who comes across like an annoying grad student who claims he suffered injustice because his great-great-grandmother was Native American. It’s because this annoying grad student told football fans that they were racists for standing for

This is all about Bob Weinstein ousting Harvey Weinstein. Hollywood has no interst in digging any deeper than that. No other exec, director, producer, et. is going to be implicated or punished.

He’s trolling, dummy.

I mean, it’s pretty hard to blame the LAPD. It’s hard to investigate without someone filing a report first.

So ... when are we going to go after the other rapists and harrassers in Hollywood?

How stunning and brave. To come out against Harvey Weinstein now, of all times, that takes some serious guts.

No one, including Emma Thompson, is brave for coming out against Weinstein after the NYT broke the story. No one. They’re the same cowards they were for profiting by Weinstein for decades and letting his abuses slide so long as it made them rich and famous.

Maybe you’re shooting yourself in the foot right off the bat by referring to taking abuse allegations more seriously as a witch hunt?

Well yeah, that’s her job.

He shouldn’t be worried. Everyone’s gotten to look like they care about the issue and now Hollywood doesn’t have to offer up a new predator for another twenty years or so. No one will go after the execs who keep employing Victor Silva and Bryan Singer, no one will hold accountable Meryl Streep or Quentin Tarantino or

Whiteside and Embiid have played one regular season game against each other. Whiteside scored 32 points, has 12 rebounds, two blocks, and was +8. He started more than twice as many games last year as Embiid has in three years. And Whiteside managed to lead the league in rebounds per game *and* 17 points, 14 rebounds,

I’m coming for your precious bodily fluids. BWAH!

So, you guys are going to drop Amazon as an advertiser, right?

You’re missing the point. Most people, and not just Republicans, perceive that people turn a blind eye to their own side’s problems. The easiest way for someone to brush off Trump is to say that Democrats sure didn’t care when it was the Kennedy’s, LBJ, Clinton, etc. getting away with it.

Do you think, maybe, one of the reasons Trump got away with it is because everyone was able to say (and accurately) that Democrats just didn’t care when it was Clinton being accused of rape and harassment by multiple women before his election?

“But don’t make the mistake of thinking this started with Bill Clinton.”

Oh, I’m pretty sure I do.

How do you equivocate the two?