Lieutenant Buttocks

It was more than Monica Lewinsky. It was Katherine Wiley, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Gennifer Flowers, and all the rest. You had people screaming he was a sexual abuser for decades and no progressive would dare criticize him for it because he was “their” guy.

You may not be worth talking to.

A) There’s no better descriptor for you

*shrug* OK. I mean, you’re wrong, but OK.

This was a right-wing misogynistic screed? Really?

Gretchen and Jimmy are truly terrible human beings - and the show is great when it shows how hilarious it can be when truly terrible human beings (albiet more grounded than IASIP sort of terrible people) run amok through relatively less terrible people’s lives. . The show is mawkish and immature when it tries to make

You know the biggest impediment right now to real change? Don’t laugh, it’s Bill Clinton. Every feminist in the world in the 1990s bent over backwards to excuse Clinton because he was a Democratic darling. They dismissed out of hand all allegations of rape and sexual misconduct, of abuse of power and sexual