Did you read about the tourist raped in Qatar and then held for infidelity charges? I want a wacky 80s comedy where Lena Dunham and that victim switch bodies.
Did you read about the tourist raped in Qatar and then held for infidelity charges? I want a wacky 80s comedy where Lena Dunham and that victim switch bodies.
I don't think the Arab world understands how much they have depended on our willingness to be nice. It is going to be bloody.
God help me, it's the right choice. I'd rather be on Russia/Israel/Shiite side than Sunni duplicity.
It seems to me we're siding with Russia and Israel and the Shiites and will wreak a terrible vengeance on much of North Africa/Middle East over the next decade. Agree/disagree?
Hey, so we all pretending Berlin and Turkey violence didn't happen?
You ever see The Gift? Movie had its problems but Reeves as a backwoods abusive asshole was an unexpected delight.
Does everyone agree the most bitchin' scene from the original was the club fight/massacre?
That's a very post-truth response.
It's almost as if they said those things for attention and never intended to give up the big bucks over a political stance.
Donald Trump is dangerously unqualified for president. So is Michael Sheen to be a substantive political activist.
Uh- huh
Come on, Jeff Goldblum holds that title until he dies.
He sounds like an idiot.
Those are all faux edgy.
It's a goofy movie with two really fun scenes (Raptors turn on humans; T-Rex v. New dinosaur) and a fun human performance from chris Pratt. It's just a fun summer movie.
People bash movies that are popular and make a lot of money (TFA, Jurassic World, etc.) because they think most people are stupid and that if they hate the movies most people love, they de facto must be smart. They're wrong.
Wrote this article. Was born. Isn't that enough?
NO!!! He has a very deliberate idea of what he wants the next four years to be. He wants to remake the country in his likeness. He has been working deliberately. He's going to duck us because we are laughing and bent over.
How do you expect to win when you consider your opponents to be morons? The surest way to lose a game is to be counting on your opponent making a mistake. Making jokes and consoling ourselves that we're the smart ones is the first step to losing.