There is no fence between people of intelligence, just preconceptions and prejudices to be challenged. Intelligent people admit they're wrong, while dummies remain resolute in their idiocy.
There is no fence between people of intelligence, just preconceptions and prejudices to be challenged. Intelligent people admit they're wrong, while dummies remain resolute in their idiocy.
Nate Parker and Jamies Winston and Kobe Bryant and Derrick Rose teach us that a black man can be found innocent in a court of law by all white juries or white judges or white police and still people who identify themselves as liberal will want to lynch them if they're accused of raping a white woman.
Trump will even be older. If Warren's healthy, she'll pick a healthy young VP and be the nominee in a walk.
What is one more rapist in DC politics at this point?
Wasn't he in Zoolander 2?
Suck it up and make the world better by doing a dozen small good things ever day. Have friends and family who love you, and try to be interesting enough that you're never bored. Time will fly by and then knock on doors for Warren in 2020.
I think you could offer $10B to Trump to resign the presidency and he'd tell you to go to hell. This is about his immortality. The presidency is hos Taj Mahal.
You said he only picked him because he was tricked into it. Implying it was a bad choice.
Pence was a perfect choice for his VP. He brought Evangelicals out in droves for Trump when they may have stayed home is Kasich or other politician were VP.
He could have run in any previous election and done that. He ran specifically in this one because he felt the pulse of the nation in a way the think tank candidates (on both sides) just couldn't.
Trump is over 70 years old. He could liquidate all of his assets and buy a nice little island somewhere and grab the pussies of a string of beautiful young eastern European women, all the while eating the finest steaks in the world, until he dies. He doesn't care about money. He wants "Donald Trump" to be…
It can be two things.
Bizarro-Daenerys then, at least as to what has transpired.
He has enough money. He's in this for ego. He wants 100 years from now, for historians to write that America was sliding down the tubes and only the wisdom of President Trump saved us from joining the third world. He wants to be Lincoln, FDR, and Jefferson all in one.
I think he did. He only ran because he thought he could win. He saw what no powerful Republicans saw. Which is that it was useless to court the Hispanic vote with the likes of simps like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. He saw that he could get traditional Democratic voters who believe that immigrants and NAFTA destroyed…
Pence is going to do a lot of day to day things Trump doesn't want to deal with. Pence will not, even for one second, be allowed to cross Donald Trump or what he wants to achieve, or to pursue Pence's own agenda.
Again, people don't get it. Newt Gingrich is a very, very smart man. Who is wrong about many things, but a very, very smart man. Conservatives believe that liberals are smart, just wrong. Liberals believe that conservatives are dumb. Conservatives tend to win. There is a correlation.
By every metric? If you look at wages (adjusted for inflation), the amount of capital belonging to each household, the percentage of the population in the workforce, the amount of debt (both national and individual) belonging to each household, and the then-existence of defined retirement/pension plans, yes, most…
The hundreds of posts how Mike Pence is going to really run the show, and that Trump will just up and quit after a year to go back home? All of these posts and articles about Trump was going to drop out before the election? Everyone who posts about how he just wants to be president for the title?