Lieutenant Buttocks

All the other humor's been thinned out.

I don't think of myself as particularly sensitive (though who does). But it seems that almost every article that is posted on this site anymore is intent on focusing on gender issues. It's as if people noticed the kerfluffle about Girls (the show) and realized that pageviews and comments and indignation could be

Shucks. Well, good luck at MMA this weekend.

Are you also a 25 year old powerlifter? I'll bet you fight MMA on the weekends too.

You understand that this constant flow of articles specifically targeting comments on gender tropes is deadening the discourse of this entire site, right? That of all the various things we could discuss about film, books, television, music, etc., we are instead stuck in a loop of gender battles for no reason

If you read my comment and took what you wrote away from it, you need to sharpen your comprehensive skills. Preferably someplace else.

Everything from a review of Starsky and Hutch to casting news for True Detective contains a snippet. Either the editors have decided that this website is where the final battle will be fought or they don't think anyone will comment without it. It's getting pathetic either way.

It's so cool that every article on this site now is a rejected gender studies academic paper. And it's good to know that we're all on the forefront of the fight for gender equality because we want more female superheroes. It's like we're heroes without having to do more than comment on the Internet. I love it.

Well, the whole Marvel universe will forever be marred by the Bryan Singer scandal. While Jim Gianopulos might have played a part, I still absolutely believe that the 'fanboy culture' surrounding the comics, perpetuated by the producers, is what really led to the rampant abuse of children. That culture prevented the

First half was good, but when he started Eat Pray Love-ing it up, the movie became insufferable and condescending. And boring, which is worst of all.

"Phillips would rather hire Carmen Electra to act in a movie than write a substantial role fit for a female comedian."

1. Make these movies action/horror movies, not PG-13 action/drama movies.

DA either has to put the victim on the stand, re-victimize him, and risk an acquittal if he breaks down, or he can work out a plea deal that guarantees the defendant prison time. Happens all the time.

One was president from 2000 to 2008.

Gone Girl is going to clean up in the nominations. Expect Affleck, Pike, And Carrie Coon to all be nominated. Screenplay, editing, director, script, and score are locks. Picture too. I think they're going to win all those too except for Affleck.

Perfect choice. Everybody likes NPH. The Westboro Baptist Church probably likes him. He's got natural comic timing and won't try to be faux-edgy.

Girls is insufferable for the same reason movies like Crash and Revolutionary Road are. They're all clearly overhyped pandering award bait that aren't remotely as smart as they think they are.

Bridget Jones wasn't a great movie, but all three leads were clearly having a ton of fun. Grant's bemused astonishment that Firth wanted to fight him ("swords or pistols?") was really, really funny.

Seriously, a Ken Burns style documentary about the Purge, followed by a "live" news show could be kind of good. World War Z, but Purge.

This site is becoming a shrill freshman Lit-Crit course. The articles aren't written by people who like pop culture. They're written by people looking to espouse a particular critical theory and using pop culture as an excuse.