Lieutenant Buttocks

This article was written with the idea that it would take a trendy position that would create pageviews. The writer can say whatever he wants, no matter how idiotic, and people will support him because they for some reason think that complaining online about the specter of misogyny in pop culture is somehow laudable.

No, but it does have a hard-nosed, hard-drinking detective who thinks women belong in the kitchen.

They are very, very free.

Why were you checking out Ken Jeong's genetalia?

Counterpoint: every Apatow/Sandler everything. Slackerism didn't die. It just mutated.

2 Live Jews are in Gaza trying to stay that way.

No she was clearly the older sister, having the car and all.

He's the guy banging your mom right now.

I don't know if anyone's said it yet, but Simon Tam is the best big brother ever. He's completely loyal despite the fact that he smart enough to realize how much easier his life would be without River around.

So, is he funny?

Who would have thought the funniest line in a movie ever would be "License and registration . . . CHICKENFUCKER!"?

That is a bad story. You should be ashamed of it.

If acting was called for, would the first person you hired be Taylor Kitsch?

Now I want Jesse Plemons to star in a remake of the remake of The Raid.

"It’s chicken soup for The Shins-loving soul—a group-hug of a film"

Or maybe it's that the film didn't bother to show most of the prosecution's case in chief, or most of their cross of the defense witnesses.

"which the prosecution never even vaguely demonstrated, at least not in the courtroom footage included in Paradise Lost"

Are . . . are people really defending Shae here? She gleefully told lies to insure that the man who loved her would be executed. There was no fear in the actress's performance, just spite.

I wonder if it's technically irony. That professors scream about freedom, then enslave with classifications designed to remove pleasure from people's lives. That professors scream that people shouldn't feel guilty about sex, then tell the vast majority of people they should feel guilty about enjoying sex. That the

Eh, it worked for Rocky Balboa v. Rocky V and Rambo v. Rambo III. He just needs Spielberg to hand the reins to the franchise to Stallone.