Lies and statistics

And not that male approval or disapproval means anything at all, but as someone who appreciates all varieties, it’s always disheartening to see anyone being shamed for their particular architecture as if its somehow ‘lacking’ just because it doesn’t look a certain way.

The sports analogy doesn’t quite ring true for me. Sports are games of sorts, sure, but the appeal of watching professional sports is following the progress of the absolute masters of those games in a season’s chase for the sport’s highest prize. People develop a sense of investment in their favorite team and its

Belief disconfirmation paradigm. Most of the adamant Star Citizen defenders are invested. They’ve gladly paid sometimes staggering amounts of money today for the promise of a hamburger in the future. As the delays mount and those who are in the outgroup continue to express disbelief and sometimes even mockery, they

I'd like to undermine your undermining then, since it's based on questionable assumptions. Exactly like Patricia, the number you are quoting is the number of instances where police decline to advance the case against the accused at all and in fact pressed charges or threatened to press charges against the accuser.

That's a poor summation of the actual statistics you are quoting and it is (intentionally or otherwise) incredibly misleading. The number you are quoting is the number of instances where police decline to advance the case against the accused at all and in fact pressed charges or threatened to press charges against the