
It’s extremely frustrating that this whole controversy stems from people (either in bad faith or through sheer laziness) refusing to read to the end of a damn sentence. jOnAtHaN gLaZeR iS rEfUtInG hIs JeWiShNeSs—get him, get him!

I’m pretty sure they’re busy being bombed into non-existence.

One of the (many, many, many, many) annoying aspects of the social media age is this tendency of trying to meme so-bad-they’re-good movies into existence. Sometimes (which is to say 99% of the time) shitty movies are just shitty, for entirely predictable and unremarkable reasons, no matter how much you try to delude

Aw, damn it. Welp, back to nitpicking Nu-AV Club authors’ terrible writing. It’s hard work, but no one has to do it.


Can you imagine being Oscar-nominated for a film directed by the most esteemed director of his generation and complaining about the experience?”

Eh, pre-release I found the detractors 10x more annoying for marrying (as is so often the case) misogyny and toxic, entitled fandom. No, the Target Lady did not “ruin your childhood” for starring in a movie with the same name. No, you don’t actually give a shit about Ghostbusters “lore”—the only people who actually

Hmm, no, I do in fact recognize Colin Farrell from that other time he wore the exact same makeup to play the exact same character.

Considering the handwriting and criticism Happiest Season faced, Stewart’s comments probably confirm many of its detractors’ criticisms. Still, by the bottom-barrel modern standards of the genre, which was largely ceded to formulaic Hallmark and Lifetime made-for-TV movies, Duvall deserves some credit for making it a

Sure, Gene.

All right, my dude, I’m going to try one more time and then let you continue thwacking away at that big old straw man of yours. Setting a movie about a civil war in the contemporary U.S.? Fine. Setting a movie about a civil war in the contemporary U.S. while deliberately ignoring the very real and salient tensions of

You appear to be confusing “premise” and “message.” The premise is what the movie is, the message is what the movie is about:

Yes, but he simultaneously asks them to imagine California and Texas seceding and teaming up to fight fascism. I can very easily imagine another civil war erupting, but portraying such a patently absurd means of getting there takes me right back out of the narrative.

I was thinking more of triangulating, Clintonian, West Wing-era Sorkin. You know, like when the Democratic president nominated a reactionary nutjob to the supreme court because he found his arguments with a liberal nominee sO iNsPiRiNg.

What the hell is the use of a movie whose message, per Garland, is “divisiveness is bad”?

Garland: Politics should just be about reasonable people rationally debating the issues.

Did Aaron Sorkin ghostwrite this stupid movie or something? Imagine writing and directing a movie called “Civil War” about the most powerful country in the world tearing itself apart, and instead of interrogating any meaningful causes and consequences all you have to say is something utterly facile like “left and

I see, so she cheated with a married man and implied on a podcast that one of her ex-boyfriends was a closeted gay man, and for that she deserves...[checks cosmic ledger] breast cancer, a double mastectomy, and, potentially, death. Yep, that definitely evens out.

I’d bet there are people who like those games and might be more inclined to check out Showtime if they knew the pedigree behind the upcoming Peach title.”