
It’s those kids who are spewing this antisemitic hate, that have no idea if they stepped foot in an Islamic country—these people who want us to call them they/them, or whatever they want us to call them, which I have respectfully made a point of doing—it’s those people that will be the first people beheaded and their

Trash TV for trash people turns out to be trashy.

New Transparent Marketing Push to Sell Blu-Rays Confirms (Extremely Boring) Fan Theory

He got us, folks. The resident incel has trapped us in his web of logic. 

Exactly this, and why I’m hoping they’ll just quietly sweep that bit of canon under the rug. Do people really not understand that it’s far more impressive for your protagonist to just be some nobody who rose to the occasion instead of a super special secret child of destiny? [Glares in J.J. Abrams’s direction]

Was Harry Shearer always that tiny?

I recently logged back into X/Twitter after a couple of years and I was depressed at just how many of the folks I theoretically still respected were clinging on. Guys—the emperor really, seriously, definitively, demonstrably has no clothes. Twitter always encouraged a certain type of deluded solipsism—look at us!

Meh. The Doctor had already been given a whole new regeneration cycle, of which 13 was only the second incarnation. It’s not like it was a pressing issue.

I had many, many, many issues with the Chibnall era, but Jodie Whittaker wasn’t one of them. Do I wish that the first female Doctor had had something resembling a consistent personality? Sure, but that wasn’t Whittaker’s fault.

Honestly, I don't know. I was in a mood.

“... on the other, a ton of cultural messaging that suggests they should be spending said free time in the proximity of their ‘loved ones.’”

Who gives a shit about this TMZ bullshit?

Ah, yes, Cooper "finally" addressed something that both the ADL and Bernstein's family deemed a non-story.

Online writers like to pretend that X/Twitter represents the entirety of public opinion because online writers are fundamentally lazy. To be fair, the pre-Twitter version of this phenomenon was “I can imagine overhearing people talking about this at the local diner (if I ever were to visit a diner)" so maybe it's a

I was blissfully unaware until I ran into AV Club's coverage of her inane ukulele video.

Wasn’t his last long-running sitcom more or less identical, in tone and premise, to Home Improvement

Community season 4, maybe.