
As a soon-to-be PhD who took one look at the tenure-track market and fled for dear life, I’m amused at how often TV characters can just wander into any old university and nab a teaching gig. Must be nice.

Eh, I’m with you overall, but I disagree that the humor, itself, was particularly highbrow. Sure, Frasier and Niles frequently reference highbrow things, but the audience doesn’t really have to understand what Die Fledermaus is in order to laugh along with Martin at the Crane boys’ snootiness. Heck, most of the humor

It’s silly, but as a native Washingtonian I’m a little annoyed the revival won’t still be set in Seattle. Not the Frasier particularly got Seattle—true Seattleites would dress down between work and attending the opera—but it was nice to have some representation.

The character (played by Laurie Metcalf) did appear in a Frasier episode.

Sean Penn Continues to be A Lot


At this point in the timeline, most people believe it’s just religious nonsense, a reasonable assumption considering the few Jedi who are left are scattered and in hiding.

For Kutcher and Kunis, too, their actions this week are enough to condemn on their own, even if their actions don’t reach the severity of which Masterson has been convicted.

Man this looks like ass, much like the similarly ass-looking Dragon Prince. Stop trying to make 15 FPS cel-shaded CGI shows a thing, Netflix! They must be cheap to make because you presumably can animate them on a Playstation 3, but seriously...ass.

Much unlike Shakespeare was very good at writing words, AV Club writers are bad.

I viscerally hate jukebox musicals. Write your own damn songs or don’t bother.

With the Switch Nintendo went all in on merging their portable and home console lines, and it would be utterly bizarre for them to split them off again (or drop portable gaming entirely). While I don’t doubt they’ll incorporate *some* sort of new gimmick next generation I suspect we'll see iterations on the Switch for

If only Lucas had followed his own lead in the prequels...

Jonas Salk and Tina Turner broke up?!

The The Last Of Us director is trying his hand at reviving the long-dead franchise

If you’re really comparing regular socially acceptable interactions to a person who’s first instinct is to drag someone else to bed regardless of what the addressee thinks, then I’d truly suggest you make an appointment with a psychologist.

[On the sidewalk]

Today in randomly targeted, vaguely populist snark: why you should hate Burning Man, Chris Rock, and Diplo (whoever the hell that is).

But that’s still an inane argument. Once you take the two top grossing movies out of the equation, the 2023 total box office is lower than the 2022 total box office...well, duh. I don’t really see why specifying the post-July 21st timeframe adds anything. If you arbitrarily delete Avengers Endgame from the 2019 box