Xangelix's rather untimely boner

My first thought. As wonderful as fries and onion rings, etc. are, it’s just too damned much sometimes. Steamed broccoli on the side creates an ideal balance with the savory/greasy/storied nature of a well-crafted burger. Also you aren’t sure to succumb to the itis 20 minutes later.

Good example. I think a lot of people forget that “Obamacare” originated with Conservatives, utterly arrogant that the ACA was going to be a massive disaster that they could unalterably attach President Obama’s name to. It was “their” term. Somehow it stuck, and it turned out to be a range of things from not-that-bad

The big problem is that “SJW” has no centralized meaning. For conservatives, it’s a scarlet letter that can be appended to seemingly anyone who gives a shit about social justice (which, frankly, should be everyone). I realize the caricature it’s attempting to describe is some utter slacktivist concern troll always

Because “sanctuary city” has become a completely loaded term used by idiot conservatives, not unlike “sjw”? I don’t blame him for not wanting to glom onto that one.

Don’t despair. The fuckers will always be there, but they will not win.

Is... is it physically painful for these people, to be so stupid?

One of these opened near my work, and I was looking forward to giving it a try, as I love fresh fast food, but this:

...and a hamburger is a sandwich.

I made some bawdy comment about Gendry and Arya early in the episode that my wife took umbrage to. “That’s disgusting, how can you say that, we ~knew~ her since she was a little girl!” etc. I was smirking, vindicated, later on but I still got shit for it! So I dunno. I don’t begrudge anyone for feeling (cringe?)

I’d bet flat-earthers are generally liberal, but with a considerable bleed-over into the “I don’t vote because it doesn’t matter” crowd.

who reportedly flew from Florida to Colorado on Monday and purchased a shotgun and ammunition shortly after landing.

A glass of water could have beaten my friend Joe Crowley” -Nancy, I guess

Fuck it, use a small funnel to put some vodka in a dwindling tube of tooth paste to smuggle some booze into the festival. We’ll defeat this whole climate change thing, yet.

While they offer much better performance than a typical hard drive, they also have a pretty finite life span.

Yes, and they are.

I was listening to his (Frum’s) discussion with Jose Antonio Vargas on NPR the other day, and was personally disturbed by how persuasive he was.