But, you know, they’re the logical and rational ones and it’s us women who are ruled by our emotions.
But, you know, they’re the logical and rational ones and it’s us women who are ruled by our emotions.
What the fuck is it with men getting deeply fixated and ruining their own lives over what they perceive as a rejection? Like what is broken inside you that you have no hope for future happiness and your only joy is in destruction and rage? Is it that he is so loathesome an individual that he will never have a happy…
Well, you know, he probably doesn’t really mean it, eh?
I forwarded the article to Anonymous. Maybe they can help with some mischief of their own.
Or how about a GoFundMe page to raise money so Desiree can afford an attorney to sue this prick into the ground?
Exactly — I’ve never executed a DDOS attack before, but I’d be willing to join in with a little script that hammers away at this site to make it inaccessible.
Or come on Anonymous, do one of those things you do that make people kind of like you for a minute.
Soooooo, who wants to e-stalk this dude and make a website?
how in the hell is he getting away with this if he actively said that he won’t stop until she kills herself?