
oh GOD. can’t roll my eyes enough when i see this. the game has been optimized SOOO much since day one it’s like a new game. runs like butter on my rig now with everything on epic, whereas it used to run at about 15 fps on the exact same hardware with everything set to medium.

I’m certainly not anti-fun, I just love dinosaurs and want more dinosaur games that make an attempt to bring them to life, and allow me to do fun game stuff in their world. I’ll take a Huayangosaurus or Quetzalcoatlus over a giant crab monster they made up any day.

I’ve had fun with ARK in the past, mostly because I’d always wanted a good realistic dinosaur survival game. Since they’ve long ago forsaken that path, are there any other games out there where you can live/survive amongst accurate depictions of dinosaurs? 

I’m a pretty big environmentalist and try to live with as small an impact as possible and you can fuck right off with that sentiment.

WOW... just wow.

Fuck you. Not all of us deny climate change. Would you appreciate it if I wished you to drown? No, right? Then fuck off.

You ever gone through a hurricane? I’m betting you haven’t. I get your frustration but why wish harm to people? Hurricanes suck.

You are a bad person. It won’t change other bad people’s perception, but it will likely kill a bunch of people/ruin livelihoods.

I understand your frustration and sentiment, but I disagree.

Best Episode - Spoils of War

I also hate video “articles.” I only wish there was some indication before you clicked the link.

Unlikely. I suspect we are in the minority. I, personally, prefer text because I have hearing issues and I much prefer to read than try to figure out who is saying what (Also, I am old). I can imagine there are a number of different reasons why someone would prefer text over video/audio but we do not, apparently,

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

I’m not saying that you should or shouldn’t give a shit, but to describe someone who is violating maritime law, endangering themselves and others for activism as not radical is intellectually dishonest.

explicit representation of the police as a fascist organization

It is definitely way more Judge Dredd than robocop when it comes to setting. Its Judge Dredd in an exosuit.

Cut up hotdogs and ketchup in macaroni and cheese (specifically kraft dinner)

Ain’t nothing strange about ranch dogs

Ketchup chips are fucking putrid.

After a verbal survey, it seems many call it soccer baseball here which has made me angrier