
I like most of these, but the red Daredevil print is by far the most awesome one in my opinion.

Teenaged Mutant Ninja Doomsday

Yes, it is 5(?) generations newer, and the design and specs have changed massively in the 4 years since the iPad 2.

Yes, it is 5(?) generations newer, and the design and specs have changed massively in the 4 years since the iPad 2.

The iPad Air 2 (2014) is a much more powerful tablet than the iPad 2 (2011), and it should be lighter as well.

There are definitely comparable tablets out there, but it’s something I’m not too versed in.

The iPad Air 2 (2014) is a much more powerful tablet than the iPad 2 (2011), and it should be lighter as well.


Movie has metaphor? Yes. Having a metaphor doesn’t make a movie good, nor is it the fact that those who didn’t like SP somehow missed the totes-obvious metaphor.

Shouldn’t this hissyfit be in German?

He’s willing to be that silly all. the. time.

Really? I mean, I’m no fan of MoS but at least the main antagonist wasn’t a bumbling Richard Pryor that became a computer savant after seeing an ad for lessons on the top of a cigarette box.

Attila Nagy’s first response when spotting the bow of the 7, 400 ton nuclear powered HMS Anson, the eighth of her named, which houses the 13,000 hydrophones and the advanced and classified Thales 2076 sonar was, “It is not unlike an egg”

Pretty sure this was a planned detonation. Just before the blast you can see the flash from the fuse cord leading from the group of guys to the car. I doubt anyone died, although it looks like they may have underestimated how big the blast would be, based on how close they were to it.

I cannot find any proof I can find a video that they have uploaded which says “Get even more psyched for Diablo III with this gorgeous new cinematic commercial. Created by the great folks over at Blizzard!” In the description, note the words “by the great fols at blizzard”

Yea but if they outsource it it will be terrible, the 90% of the orcs in the Warcraft trailer say hi.


This is only tangentially a food story, but it ends up in a Starbucks, so there you go.

As a person who has been dating a graphic designer for 8 years and also has a cousin who is looking to develop games, id like to say most people who do anything for a living typically want to have the “living” part of that first. The “fun” part of working works out a lot better if the “living” part is handled. Living

Though to be fair, I’d say that 90% of art projects also want to make money.

Isn’t saying “hey guys, don’t hate us for this, we’re people like you”... kind of super touching and sweet?

Isn’t that like entirely what it is? And honestly I don’t have a problem with that

So I've used the Corsair before, it's a great tool and really does give comparable temps to an expensive water cooling setup. It took the fun out of it for me though. Part of why I watercool is the tinkering and customization that you can do with a setup. I now run a system that has two separate water loops, one