
But it’s better than before and that’s the point. It’s advanced. It’s moved forward. “Got the concept?”

“Very pointy. Sharp. Can cause bleeding.”

“Oh, for Heaven’s sake... What’s wrong with the telegram anyway?”

This reminded me how lame Avatar was.

Everything about it is ugly and amateurish. It’s incredible. It’s like a high school design assignment except without any creativity.

Wait, really? Because if that’s true, that’s one of the coolest game mechanics ever.

Yeah, which I think is a neat idea, it’s just a little before it’s time. Like, someday we’ll be more wireless and that’s cool, and someday USB-C will be more common and that’s cool, but until then I can’t even charge my iPhone on the thing which is where that simultaneous data transfer and charging really shines.

I just feel that the size tradeoff is so very, very minor in the case of the air. They fill pretty much the same space at the moment in the product lineup.

I was talking about the Griffin adapter, not your Macbook ;) Don’t worry.

Wow, I don’t know anything about what the product is like, but just look at the timeline. They’re taking this seriously. 3 progress reports last month alone. That’s such a breath of fresh air compared to most fly-by-night Kickstarters.

The Macbook Air doesn’t have a USB-C.

I guarantee you 100% that the marketing next generation will still say “Look how simple it is, ONLY ONE PORT” for exactly the same reason that you’re saying they’re going to put in a second port.

My issue with it is its price in comparison to the MacBook Air as well its nebulousness in the Apple product line. A MacBook Air can do more than it and is just as portable. What you’re paying a premium for (and an expensive premium at that) is the new gizmos. It’s a tech-demo.

Who spit in your bean I said, I love a lot about this netbook. However, it’s still a netbook. Since you have a place for a netbook in your lifestyle and workflow and can afford/are willing to spend more on it than an equally portable MacBook Air that can do more work, then it works for you.

“Add it back”

Hahaha, I love this!

What are you talking about? I’m genuinely confused. I’m relatively sure it works straight out of the box, no adapter required.

But if they’ve made a lot of new casing for this then they’re manufacturing costs have gone up way more than just an increase in storage capacity would...I think you’re totally right about the price drops for the others, but I think the new generation is still gonna be pretty pricey.

Wait, so in order to use this adapter you need to ditch your ability to transfer data? What a terrible product...

Yes, but there wasn’t anything like it in the Apple product line. It was much, much smaller than the Macbook. It offered something fundamentally different.