
I don’t even like molluscs and that picture makes me want to eat molluscs.

Science question: Will this destroy the universe/open a portal to the deepest circle of Hell?

I love Timothy Zahn. That’s what I came here to say. His non-Star Wars stuff is great, too. Cobra, Cobra, Cobra!

That is too cool. What a boss. Respect.

People need to calm down about Youtube Red. It’s by no means a mandatory service and it actually offers some good stuff. Mostly Youtube as a music service. It’ll run in the background, you can download videos, and it comes with Google Music which is exactly like Apple Music. The special catalogue of Red only videos

YAFGC is pretty trash, though...

This is awesome!

It’s fun and all, but the vehicle/pick up system is so bad...that being said it’s still awesome to be back in Star Wars. We’ll see what happens when it’s out officially.

Finder is Loster :(

Can we talk about the guy at 6:11 eating bacon mac and cheese behind them?

The last time I saw Sudbury here they were talking about a moose that got into one of our Tim Hortons. Welcome to Sudbury! Happiest, (2nd) fattest, most bear infested, neutrino-researching city in Canada!


I was very excited to send you my poop story, but I see there is a disclaimer. Well your loss! My poop story is exquisite.

Buddy, I was so worried for a second.

This is why I keep all my belongings stored on the cloud!

It means someone’s watching the conversation. #BigBrother #1984 #SnoopyFriends

This is rough...

Subtle like a hammer.

This is cool. It shows that making a good product pays off. People will usually recognize legitimacy. We’re living in the future!

I love all these people who think they’re smarter than SpaceX and NASA and the hundreds of people working together on this project. They’re probably sending these messages from space because they’ve already made a rocket.