
It’s a beautiful video. And guess what. If I want to know the recipe I can just Google it. What’s your problem?

One, there’s a difference between tracing and reference. Two, there’s a difference between a quick panel piece and a hero piece. I’ve been following this guy for years. He’s got a massive understanding of anatomy. He isn’t tracing.

This isn’t about was about needing contractual freedom to do other work. You might be okay with hating your job, but not everyone is.

I feel like this is an excuse people make for their lack of ability. It makes them feel better about themselves.

You’re a dick.

I had one of these in my backyard a few weeks ago. Scarier than the bears.

Not necessarily. People are still finding easter eggs about Chilliad. I personally think you get six stars when you steal the jetpack out of the bunker.

Header image is by Dan Luvisi! Check out his stuff, it’s mind blowing.

Hmmk. Thanks!

But people keep telling me that solar doesn’t have the life to make it financially worthwhile. Like you need to replace it relatively often.

It’s got robots. Obviously it’s stealing from other games that have robots. No talent hacks.

They could have made the tattoos work, just not those ones. Like the fact that he put in that much thought into them and they’re so angsty and just really bad. Like I can picture him sitting in a corner, maniacally scratching tattoos into himself about batman or knock knock jokes or Bible verses or whatever, but going

Those tattoos are too clean. They totally could have made tattoos work. Just not those ones.

He’s a genius, I think.

I’m so excited for this movie. Just treat it like the entertainment it’s supposed to be and embrace Batman and Superman beating the tar out of each other.

I know everyone is saying this, but you can totally do this. Put some time and money into this and don’t just leave the memory making to the kids. Enjoy it! Star Wars is so awesome because it spans every generation! I love it, my parents love it, kids love it. Don’t just tell kids to make memories, inspire them to!

Literally the first thing I thought of.

I would want to see it more if it wasn’t for Die Antwoord. Get that they’re South African and that’s a big happy family but really...

This feels really unfinished.