
Thought that manhole cover was a waffle. Hungry now. For some waffles.

I miss Leverage.

I was surprised. Because I loved it.

And I still loved it. Do you have a point?

Yeah, in hindsight that was a silly comment...

So? Aren't the Oscars based off of film merit?

It was panned? I loved it. Seriously loved it. Honestly kinda mad it didn't get more nominations.

I just think Selma didn't deserve it. If we want to go back to movies with people of colour, let's go back to 12 Years and put that up for a few more wins. And then take away Jamie Foxx's Oscar for Django, and give it to Chiwetel. Man. I'm still mad about that. Jamie Foxx is awful.

Yeah, like what's up with the Boxtrolls nom.

Can I get an example where 60fps looks better than the current 24 fps cinematically speaking?

That's a fact. That clip alone has 50,000 views. The other timelapse clip was all over the internet. It's a pretty big. Didn't need to decide. And I am perfectly cheerful.

"but it's not in the spirit of the segment and it's really just filler" <- That's what you decided. It's definitely a pretty big gaming clip, no deciding there. And they faded out to that clip. And the majority think it's neat. You're the one getting all pissy.

"but it's not in the spirit of the segment and it's really just filler" <- That's what you decided. And I didn't decide the spirit of the segment. I just said me and other people like it.

But honestly, why do you have to be the guy who decides what the spirit of this segment is? I like it, other people like it, and it's a pretty big gaming clip and a neat thing to fade out to. It's just you're opinion. Why are people so negative, man.

Why can't this be one of the places to find it?

A lot more real than CGI can? This kinda makes me mad, man. Sorry. CGI is used in matte painting in essentially every movie now. You just can't tell because it really is photorealistic in a lot of examples.

Where it doesn't look real, however, is when it's doing things that it is literally only possible to use CGI to

It every clip...I'm very confused how don't know?

Probably because they're great...

Such a great book.

Natalie Dormer?