I would murder him.
I would murder him.
Can we please stop covering this shithead now?
Land of OVER 9000 Lakes!!!!!
He can read his name and shit.
It’s indeed a complicated matter. Tolkien, himself, wasn’t very happy about his own presention of orcs, debating with himself until the end just how they fit in his cosmology. And the nations under Sauron are a more complicated matter than is obvious from the books, themselves — the people of East and South have a…
Every dollar they give a Republican who maybe might help them is one less dollar they are giving to someone who absolutely will help them.
Having a literal housing shortage in an entirely virtual environment is one of the most ridiculous things I have ever heard.
Well, that’s just stupid.
I don’t think I can help you.
Pretty sure “10 year plan” meant they had a 10 year plan for the franchise, not for the first game to continue 10 years. And with a sequel comes a power/gear reset, because nobody wants to start a brand new game (not an expansion) and find out they have to grind half a year to catch up to players who played the first…
Collapsible desk and laptop, baby, you’ve got a home office goin’!
Is this Bender’s apartment? Where is the closet door?
TFW a typo turns someone into an immortal alchemist.
I remember the old cartoon “Ahhh! Real Monsters”. I think I would’ve dug a show called “Oh Hey, Cool Robots”.
Don’t judge a man until you have walked 1.6 kilometers in his shoes.
Ellie, who is this person? Is he your Dad?
The episode where Giles murders Ben in cold blood after delivering the line “She’s a hero, you see. She’s not like us.” Gave us a scene that we rarely see in serialized shows that are invested in keeping villains alive.