True story: early 80's, my friend in L.A. goes to DMV and tells them he has a lawn care business (he’s Mexican American, too, so it didn’t hurt his story). He asked for and received the plates he needed:
True story: early 80's, my friend in L.A. goes to DMV and tells them he has a lawn care business (he’s Mexican American, too, so it didn’t hurt his story). He asked for and received the plates he needed:
Fought hard? There are “give a shit” meters all over the land which ceased functioning when the WNBA came on the scene.
I’m trying to see if my “give a shit” meter is working, but the screen is blank so I’m guessing “No” is the answer.
Trying to break the “dyke” ceiling with regard to attendance/attention.
<...non-NYC resident here...> So, the guy is paying rent, correct? So, I don’t see what the problem is. Little help?
I’d order in a make the deliver to the boat tied up off the pier.