
And you liberals are just so tolerant of others who have a different opinion than you do.

you libs would have been screaming racism had people done this both times the community organizer was elected. There is nothing sweeter than watch you libs all upset over this.

It doesn’t matter cause if it did then the larger population states would decide every single election, but you libs wouldn’t care because states like NY and CA always vote dem.

Wow I figured this guy would be praised as a hero by the staff at the Concourse.

Wish bill cosby would do us a favor and do the same thing.

So he didn’t like the way muslims were being portrayed in the media so his solution is to go out and run down a bunch of people and then stab them. Great idea.

Too bad a car and a knife were used in the attack by yet another one of those peaceful muslims. So who are you liberals going to blame for this since it wasn’t a white guy with a gun?

We had a community organizer that cared more about other countries and illegals than he did American citizens. He cared more about golfing and expensive vacations.

Once again you libs show just how tolerant you are of other people’s view points. Had this been done to obama you people would be up in arms and screaming racism. You have to love the liberal double standard.

That photo above is priceless and makes me smile.

Whoever the idiot was that did this needs to be punished and fined severely for their sheer stupidity.

Will everyone at jez be wearing black when these 2 finally leave? Will there be uncontrollable sobbing like when a North Korean dictator dies? The way the press has fawned over every single thing these 2 have done for the past 8 years has been nauseating.

January can’t get here fast enough!

I am sure some points are missing like make sure to block traffic and destroy public property.

I love how you liberals claim to be tolerant of respectful of others till they have a difference of opinion then you hate them for it.

Something tells me you would have been pissed if someone treated an Obama supporter the way you plan on treating a Trump supporter. Yes you liberals are so tolerant of others.

Go ahead!

You feel betrayed because they voted for someone different that you do? Do you feel betrayed when they have a difference of opinion as well? Then move out of your small white suburb if you hate it so much. You could move to section 8 housing if that will make you feel better.

Really nice that these people are blocking traffic and ruining the day for the people just trying to get home. Also really nice that Trump supporters seem to being pulled out of their cars and beaten.

Then he needs to put landmines around the fence.