
We already pay for the illegals in this country, so use the money to deport them. It’s funny that most of the comments here seem to think we should have open borders and not deport anyone. Just let everyone in no matter what because we don’t want to hurt someones feelings.

Make E-verify mandatory and start to fine any landlord or company that provides jobs or housing to illegals. Make it so they don’t get benefits, a drivers license or anything else because they are not citizens they are criminals.

Undocumented is a joke! They are illegal immigrants and should be deported right away.

Typical hillary, she will never take blame for what she’s done, ever! Just like everyone else in this country, it is always someone else’s fault.

Yet the stories of minority students assaulting white teachers never seems to be reported here.

Ah yes white privilege, i have the privilege of getting up everyday and going to work to pay taxes to support those who prefer to not work only to stay home and pop out kids they can’t afford.

She can still play clinton just not president clinton, ha ha ha!

Watching you libs fall over yourselves about this is hilarious. But in true liberal fashion, you didn’t get your way so now you pout and scream and riot because you don’t like the result. Well get over it! Now you know how a lot of us have felt over the past 8 years when obama got elected. We didn’t like it, we dealt

harry reid is one of the biggest pieces of garbage in the dnc next to pelosi. This guy cares nothing for this country and is one of the reasons we have that disgrace known as obamacare.

Thanks Gary, you have done your country a great service and in less than 100 days we can celebrate obama finally being out of office.

Oh so that’s what its like to live in the 12th century.

Just enter the country legally and you won’t have any problems.

the aclu cares more about illegals than actual americans.

How about you just sneak across the border since everyone seems to be ok when mexicans do it to our country.

Oh you mean like what harry reid and pelosi have done?

The past 24 hours has been wonderful, watching the libs crying and sobbing over the fact their worthless candidate watch. Seeing the comments of people beside themselves with anger and watching the “journalists” on cnn struggle to not come apart at the scene.

Now that you probably had a nice cry and are now incredibly angry, when do you plan on leaving the country you seem to hate so much. And as a white male I am sick and tired of being blamed for every damn thing out there. I have never owned a slave, I get along with everyone and work hard and pay my taxes so stop

Yes, lets get rid of obamacare.

James Comey and Anthony Weiner are heroes. Thanks guys.

Private email server in her house. Not a deal breaker. Pay for play, not a deal breaker. Doesn’t understand that C means classified, not a deal breaker. Said she didn’t have emails with classified info and then found out there were at least a thousand, not a deal breaker.