The Devil’s Advocate Wears Prada Too
The Devil’s Advocate Wears Prada Too
I’m starting to suspect that this person claiming to be a rich and famous person who I’ve already handed over $100,000 to might not be completely on the up and up.
Look, nobody sells records anymore; what if it weren’t a faux Steve Perry, but the real one?
Does Slash have any actual creative input or is this the old rocker guy version of Jennifer Lawrence or whothefuckever slapping their name on a perfume because branding?
So, Yanks: how’re you gonna violently and non-consensually fuck the rest of the world in the arse this time?
I was trying to explain the brief ringtone goldrush to my kids a few days ago ..they did not get it.
I don’t think anybody blamed Glover for being too busy with his various impressive projects, but if it’s being delayed because of the shooting schedule of whatever that animal show that McHale’s on? Come on.
I got a Community notification for this?
He's a real dean-va!
*You don’t actually need us to say who this footnote is about, yeah?
i miss all the mini booms and busts of the mid aughts. people made so much money on ringtones for, like, 18 months.
It’s just weird to me that Trump’s obvious cognitive decline (I mean, dude was on pause for a full 90-seconds) does not get discussed AT ALL, except by late night comedians. I’m not comfortable with either choice, but at least I know Biden doesn’t surround himself with crony yes-men or the 2025 Project people (who…
I am not young, by any means, and I’m absolutely sure I’m not the first to ask this question...but how in the fuck is it that every single election I’m wondering how we got down to the two candidates remaining as ‘the best of the bunch’?
“Instead, he fell back on familiar lines: Donald Trump is a lying sociopath”
Does this mean that for a short while, Kevin Bacon was one degree of Kevin Bacon away from Kevin Bacon?
Holy mother of mercy McGillicuddy, books are back!
But I mean... HOOTIE!... he knows HOOTIE!!!
What I think doesn’t matter,” Rucker concludes.
A country artist knows that the MAGA crowd will lap up his work because he said the n-word. They probably won’t even listen to his music but they’ll still support him because he’s ‘sticking it to the woke crowd’.