L.S. Dog


For fuck’s sake... how about next we start looking into that Satanic “heavy metal” the kids like? Or all the goings-on with the quaaludes at these discotheques?

Starting to look like some sorta Audio/Visual Club around these parts, by gawd! 

It’s a damn shame, too. That show was utterly batshit and deserves to be seen. 

Eh, that seems pretty mild and harmless as far as swipes g-oh my god I don’t care about any of this. I’m not above celebrity gossip, I’m here after all, but goddamn, there’s no meat on this bone at all. There’s barely even a bone. 

Might go back to some of my favorite moments from the Pop Out show, but most likely it’ll be The Residents since they’ve been on my mind again lately. Might spin some Ghost too, what with Rite Here Rite Now coming out. 

I haven’t read it (sounds really good, though, might need to), but I’m all in on this bounty of stop motion we’ve had lately. 

Eh... why not. No weirder or more unnecessary than the Naked Gun remake, I guess.

Now playing

I love Bigger Longer Uncut, but the funniest thing about it to me was seeing the trailer in the theater (I don’t even remember what it ran in front of). As Cartman was revealed, a guy in the audience let out a big weary but amused “Ohhh boy...”, and I’ve been thinking about that for 25 years now. I like to imagine

Let the Taco Bell Bell ring in this new era!

The song is solid, but how in the wide, wide world of sports do you call the song “The Boy Is Mine”, get Brandy and Monica in your video, and then not cover “The Boy Is Mine”? 

Unfortunately, the show is a music rights nightmare, so it’s never been on streaming. I loved it, personally. It’s the main reason why I’m STILL not used to skinny Drew. 

“Phew, close one... anyway, I pulled some strings, and I got us a replacement on short notice. Do you guys remember that show Roseanne?”

“The Munsters Today”? Motherfucker, that was 35 years ago. Can’t trust TV for shit, I tell you. Don’t even get me started on “The New Dick Van Dyke Show”... 

... Huh.  

Just say yep-otism to nepotism!

Ha, that headline came to mind for me as well. What’s funny is that he doesn’t even really say anything outrageous in the song in the first place. Like, what’s of note here: a couple of hacky trans jokes that felt like light jabs at worst, the usual tired celebrity references, and... a participation trophy reference

I like the video for the most part, but somebody in his inner circle, PLEASE stop him from going back to these terrible punchlines. The interpolation choruses too. The whole throwback angle doesn’t work when he keeps going back to the well that made him fall off in the first place.

As painful as a bad-on-purpose Wiseau movie sounds, I’ll allow it once if and only if Neil Breen teams up with him on a project. But Neil has to have the majority of control due to him truly not understanding why people love his stuff. 

“Burn” is an incredible song, and it becomes damn near transcendent in the context of the movie. Maybe even the best Cure song?