L.S. Dog

Yeah, I enjoy the book well enough for a bit of pulp fluff, even got a kick out of the messy-ass movie, but I already know that this sequel will be a hate-read. There’s absolutely zero reason to revisit that universe. 

I’m all for dunking on that foible, it was pretty funny, but yeah... big shock that these CHUDs can’t even attempt basic ribbing without making a mess of things. (also, if Jason Miller knows a damn thing about rap besides bits of cultural osmosis, I’ll eat my hat)

I just want a TV show about the life and times of Bob the Goon from Batman ‘89. Is that so much to ask?

I often wonder if a lot of people watch his punchline setups and skip the punchline completely. (or if they only watched the Philly rant?) I understand not liking him, he’s loud and aggressive and loves to shock, but I’ve never listened to a Bill Burr set and ever thought he was hateful or any sort of -ist or -phobe

Honestly, I’m not seeing the problem. It’s fan service that’s meant to be as far from canon as it gets. I said it before, but MK guests seem to exist mainly (not counting the obvious “because $ and cross-promotion” reasoning) to fulfill 90s schoolyard debates. Like “What if RoboCop was in MK? He’d totally kick Shang

I have a prominent tattoo on my forearm of a copyrighted image, but that image was technically a fanmade drawing I took from the internet to give the tattoo artist as a guide (and since he added detail that wasn’t in the guide image, there’s a whole “transformative work” aspect to it, too). I’d be so curious as to

While I wish this game was a bit beefier in content, that’s pretty much the *only* bad thing I can say about it, and “bad” is overstating it. Video games + comedy is such a hard thing to pull off, and they nail it with this. If anything can be salvaged from 2020, it’s that roguelikes are on FIRE this year. 

If absolutely nothing else, it’ll be a fascinating listen. And hey, maybe it’ll turn out that grunge needed whistle notes all along? Well, okay, maybe not. 

It definitely wasn’t unusual to find some surprising/inappropriate stuff on these discs. Especially ones that didn’t see wide distribution... they just slapped anything they could find on them. (a common offender was literally anything from Bloodlust Software)

Nobody’s making any kind of deal out of it. It’s a tongue-in-cheek article. Nobody’s actually saying “We need to pet this virtual dog or it’s neglect”. 

Yeah, I’m so glad people are coming around on Freddy Got Fingered after all this time and seeing that it was a grand culmination of what he’d been doing all along: making the reactions the star of the show, making critics and viewers the “man on the street looking baffled and annoyed at the guy with bread taped to

From what I can tell, no one really has hard answers on what happened. Just a lot of guesswork and speculation. I did notice when watching old material that Glenn seemed legitimately furious at Tom during the Monica Lewinsky special (which I *think* wasn’t long after the phone number incident?), but like you said, he

“Friends” is overstating it a bit, haha! Facebook acquaintances at most. I can’t imagine he’d know who I was if I ran into him in person. About the only inside scoop I have on the guy (other than general normal life stuff it’d be gross to spread around) is that he’s a good opponent in Words With Friends.

I’ve been catching up on what Tom Green has been up to lately, having been a big fan of his in the MTV days, so this is a nice capper given how often he’s refused to talk about their marriage.

“I wanted a Meester, not a Mister!” - Somebody, probably.

I was the same way, I figured it was just a poor man’s James Gunn type thing (What if the heroes are the villains!? Also, gore!), and it’s not NOT that, but it’s not just that either. Really helps take the sting out of The Tick’s cancellation, too. 

I love the hell out of The Boys, but I instinctively shuddered multiple times reading this.

I’m all for it, but unless they also change out the writers for people who don’t think that an Undercover Boss parody in 2020 is a good idea for a season premiere, will anybody actually hear Nu-Carl’s voice in the first place?

A few years ago, I’d have been all over this. But for some entirely mysterious reason, I find myself a bit tired of public displays of ignorance. Not sure why... 

I definitely get paranoid after a Final Destination viewing. It’s funny how the movies are the farthest thing from scary, to the point where I’d consider them comedies, but I always find myself side eyeing literally everything around me for hours afterwards.