
No one has even asked me... everyone just assumes I will. I am certainly not going to volunteer that information though... haha

hahah. That’s awesome. I really want to keep my last name, but mr.libretc is not so keen on it. I haven’t really had a big discussion about it so maybe he would come around, but..... I figure I’ll just never get around to it... like pretty much all of my adult responsibilities.

Preach it, girl.

I had a patron see my ring one day, look at it, and give me the saddest face ever. She said, I work at a jewelry store.. come by and I will get you a good deal on a nice, big diamond.


oooh.. you got the forgive?? NICE! High five.

That’s what I wanted to do too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And then I found out I slaughtered the first born of everyone in my family. Oops. So we’re having a wedding. Haha.

I was surprisd how quickly I got over wedding planning. I’m having a wedding because my family asked us to include them, so I get really uncomfortable when people start calling it my day... I’m like oh, really, it’s my day? Great... meet us at Chuy’s for margs and we’ll tell you all about the nice judge who issued our

....Torture because I have cried at every single one I have ever been to. Yes, that’s me in the back ugly sobbing.. related? Oh no, I’m a plus one.. I don’t know these people at all.

UNRELATED... but i love poodles so much i have no self control when i see one.. so im going to stop in the middle of this conversation and very annoyingly tell you how much i love poodles. (if you have a real life poodle please pass on internet pats from me)

This is also a choice, to forgo something you’ve had a whimsical dream about to do good by those who are important to you.

Starred for PMT :)

I had to google what the engagement ring looks like because I forgot... you can’t wear ANY ring with that thing, it takes up her whole finger.

black coffee that sits out smells like cat pee to me. anyone else? (i drink it anyway)

I vote yes! I just joined a yoga studio and everyone looks so put together and I’m just over in the corner in horribly mismatched shirts and pants proud that I even left the house... When I run I don’t even bother trying. Old t-shirts and whatever shorts are closest. I can barely match for work, like, to sweat? No no

Without birth control my life is nothing.

Well I wrote a response and my computer ate it. I went off Lexapro a few months ago after being on it for a year. I loved it, it was just time.. Go you!! I did 3/4 for 2 weeks and then 1/2 for 2 weeks etc. Everyone is different, but just to make you aware, because I was UNAWARE how difficult it could be. I really

They do grow out of it eventually, but I would try to use this time to teach, bwaha, them how to be gentle... Our older cat was allowed to play with hands when she was a kitten but we were told that was wrong, so with the second cat we didn’t. Well, the older cat knows how to play and be gentle, the younger cat will

Liver be damned!!! 3 at once is prescription strength according to my dr.

All of the angry feels!!!!! I have a 3 stone ring with a diamond and two other stones, and people still side eye me. Wut? Get out of my life. Your ring sounds beautiful and I’m glad you don’t let people get to you... It’s so rude!!