
Some of the things you mention are temporary, exhaustion and child care. By the time the oldest was 4 and youngest was 2, we were sleeping in on a Saturday, because they could get their own Cheerios and milk and work the itunes remote. Child care ends at 3-4 depending on if your school district offers preschool, but 5

I’m a gay dad, but as far as I’m concerned - anyone who is absolutely sure without a doubt in their mind that they want children is insane. It’s stressful and expensive and fraught with potential tragedy.

While I can’t say I understand personally, I definitely feel for you. I’ve always wanted to have a child, but I also recognize that raising a child is a thankless and - at times - miserable task. I definitely think that it’s a super personal decision that no one can make for you, and I wish there weren’t a stigma for

They won’t change their tune. They’ll just mumble something about “entitled millenials” as they cheer on their boys in blue.

Well, I just found out that my sweet pooch has a giant tumor in her liver. The phrase “borrowed time” was used at the vet. I definitely feel his pain.

Beemo can play with FluterDog. We lost her last summer, but she had the biggest, best heart and the most ridiculous sense of humor. I hope they both have lots of playdates.

Yeah - after the shooter had walked out of the place, on top of it. I’m sure the lady and the 2 kids that were shot were very happy a good guy with a gun saved the day

This wording really bothers me. It isn’t a teacher’s duty (at least in any society I want to live in) to protect children from gun fire. It’s their duty to nurture, encourage, and develop children. It’s the freaking State’s duty to make sure children aren’t susceptible to being shot.

True statement. My cousin, from gun country, was AT THE CONCERT in Vegas that got shot up with his wife. Both thought they were going to die and leave their 3 kids with no parents. His solution: “Don’t go to Vegas, they shoot people there.”

I wonder how many of the parents of children killed who are gun nuts would change their minds on this?

Pete Davidson doesn’t say his life is great - he consistently talks about his struggles with mental illness and says his life has gotten better since he started getting treatment. As someone with a family member who has BPD who won’t get treatment at all because they are firmly convinced that their life cannot get

Come on now, folks. What did you expect a bunch of avowed Christians to do, clothe and feed them?

What kind of person takes the time out to send messages to someone to say that they shouldn’t be able to date and be happy because they have a mental illness??? Jesus, people, get a hobby.

The mussels showed symptoms including:

Mmm muscles with white wine and butter with some freshly baked bread is one of my favorite meals.

“I do not believe a child is misguided enough to interpret what is happening to a dog that talks as something that could possibly be happening to them.”

Utterly serious question, not meant to be disrespectful in any way - have you met young children? 

I always wanted to join the X-Men

I just want to say that I’m very heartened to see the comments on this article.

I do not believe a child is misguided enough to interpret what is happening to a dog that talks as something that could possibly be happening to them.

I should not be surprised that Chrissy and John Legend have a beautiful daughter, because they are both exceptionally attractive people, but Luna is too cute to be believed.