
Completely agree - I could not be more sickened by the coverage of the father’s words, and the many, many headlines that imply that the girl(s) brought it on themselves.

If you are a creepy, harassing asshole, people aren’t not nice to you because they are bullies. They are not nice to you because you are a creepy, harassing asshole.

Because primatology doesn’t back up the idea that the strongest, most aggressive, and violent males have the most reproductive success. And for that matter neither does anthropological studies on current hunter-gatherer societies. Evolutionary psychology is a scorned field because of people doing what you’re doing

I followed one of the links which lead to me the recounting by a restaurant manager of a gross, drunken Batali fondling and kissing a woman in some VIP room. The manager intervened because the woman he was groping and slabbing all over appeared to be unconscious. I cannot stop making an “ewwwww” face right now 🤢 🤮.

It was not treated as the equivalent to a violent crime. I think the victim as well as the majority of people reading the article made that distinction.

I’m sure we all know very nice men who also happen to not care about enthusiastic consent. If someone told us they’d acted improperly we’d have to confront our own good experiences with them with this person’s bad experience. Both are valid. None of us is so clever and cunning that we can avoid all of bad situations

No, America clearly doesn’t know the problem because you’ve politicians talking about having fewer doors as a solution.

Any time someone uses evolutionary psychology as the crux of their argument you know they are full of bullshit. This guy is an imbecile.

No. Saying we need to ‘do something’ is useless. Saying we need to do something about the guns at least recognizes the actual problem.

Yup. I think naming names, in this situation, at that moment, was debatable, but the story sparked a good discussion that needed to be had, clearly, because so many of us have been in that situation.

Don’t forget - Blue Lives Matter - except those that talk about gun control...

My four-year-old often tells me that she loves me because I’m so squishy. Like, those exact words.

Also, nothing helps babies more than the passage of time. The more their brains develop, the more they are able to cope, self-soothe, go without eating, etc. It is the shittiest notion because there is no control there, but time is going to do more than any super secret sleep handshake you find for your baby. (At

I think to take your notion a step further, babies don’t like to be put to sleep on their backs, and I think most don’t like to be away from a warm body and an accessible boob. Biologically it makes sense that they would want to be as close to their food and protection source as possible. I could also see how being

I got overwhelmed by all the information I was reading - books, stupid mom message boards, articles, whatever - and finally it dawned on me to just talk to my pediatrician. now the baby sleeps well, wakes up once a night to eat, and I’ve regained my sanity. it’s made life so much easier. the #1 rule of being a new

The one that’s designed to kill people you goddamn idiot.

Every child is different. There is no magic solution. Some kids are great sleepers, some are terrible sleepers. You will all survive but it will suck for 3-23 months.

The end of this piece really nails it. The first few months are hard anyways but I doubt the industry would be so huge and so goddamn expensive if parents weren’t driven to extra desperation by having to both work so soon.

Children keep dying so their parents can own deadly toys that make them feel safe.

 Oh what a tangled web we weave when Baldwins endeavor to breed.