
A dive/neighborhood bar that has a tv but doesn’t put on sports constantly can be really fun. Day drinking while watching 1000 Ways To Die with a bunch of strangers is one of life’s great pleasures.

Do you fly Spirit? At least one person has lost their mind on every Spirit flight I’ve been on.

I think I’m done with the nursery but this is my first and I really have no idea what I’m doing. I’ll probably be frantically ordering things from Amazon on the way home from the hospital.

I’m 28 weeks tomorrow! ❤

It’s on the unsafe for pregnant ladies list because it isn’t cooked to 160 degrees, so that’s probably what she was referring to.

I’m pregnant and ordered a lox and cream cheese bagel the other day. The woman working the counter said “you know you shouldn’t be eating raw fish, right?” I told her to give me my fucking sandwich. Little did she know it was the cream cheese trying to kill my fetus all along!

He can give a good speech. Which for this particular task is all that really matters. He isn’t being nominated for president.

I got ‘wow, you really popped’ and ‘are you sure you’re pregnant, you don’t look pregnant’ within an hour of each other last week. Apparently the size of my uterus is the main topic of conversation around the office. It’s very weird.

Calling this type of encounter ‘bad sex’ isn’t accurate. Bad sex is awkward and not pleasurable. What Grace described is the sex you have that you don’t want to have. It’s not always assault, although sometimes it is. It’s the sex you have because it seems slightly safer than leaving a guys apartment alone in the

Yeah, pulling out works fine if the guy actually pulls out.

Yes, it is highly recommended since pregnancy suppresses the immune system. I got mine a couple weeks ago but I’m still slightly terrified of being pregnant and getting the flu.

I worked at a public library in the Boston area and we had free tickets to so many cultural institutions. It was really a great service that not many people knew about.

I’m not confused. Southie is expensive and it’s almost never portrayed that way on screen.

I signed, too! The circulators did a good job showing up anywhere and everywhere this summer and fall.

I haven’t watched this but I’m glad to see that it takes on gentrification/class issues head on. I get irrationally annoyed by movies and tv shows that are set in Southie yet fail to mention it’s one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Boston.

I sure did! Thanks.

I haven’t watched this but I’m glad to see that it takes on gentrification/class issues head on. I get irrationally annoyed by movies and tv shows that are set in Southie yet fail to mention it’s one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Boston.

I hear people say that every teenager should have to work for tips at some point but there is no fucking way I would let my high schooler work at a restaurant. I don’t think you need to be groped by a coked up line cook to have a strong work ethic.

It took me way to long to figure out that was a play on words. Like, years.

The best career advice I ever got was that work parties aren’t really parties, they’re tests. The big bosses remember who embarresses themselves.