The media is mostly made up of upper middle class white people. It’s easier to blame the rednecks and hillbillies for electing a racist moron than confronting the fact that it was their friends and family members.
The media is mostly made up of upper middle class white people. It’s easier to blame the rednecks and hillbillies for electing a racist moron than confronting the fact that it was their friends and family members.
I think I want to hang out with your Aunt
I don’t understand this country
I was shocked by the racism in Western Pennsylvania. I have never heard racial slurs used so openly and casually. White people there are TERRIFIED of black people. It’s a really creepy place.
I’m more concerned about government employees’ loyalty to the constitution rather than the flag.
Some pit bull owners seem so desperate to prove that pit bulls aren’t aggressive that they end up putting the dogs in dangerous and stressful situations. My German Shepherd will never go to a dog park or doggie daycare. She’s not a bad dog she’s just a rescue who obviously never learned how to play with other dogs.…
Lack of healthcare options was one of the reasons my husband and I left rural PA and will never live in a rural area again. Seeing a specialist required a two hour drive and taking an entire day off work.
Football fans at a bar in a lily white suburb don’t represent the entire region. No one I know cared.
There’s a lot going on in that picture of Rico Lavelle
I know you didn’t ask me but my husband and I are going through IVF now so I thought I could offer some insight. Physically it’s been easier than I thought it would be, emotionally it has been harder. We are very, very lucky that my insurance covers IVF which made the decision to give it a shot (no pun intended) MUCH…
I’d guess Lena Dunham’s friends live on social media and this was all over Twitter/Facebook/Snapchat yesterday so it may have seemed overwhelming. I also think she was being hyperbolic. I doubt she had ten friends who actually had a mental crisis over this news.
Many women do get depressed and don’t want to leave the house when they are dealing with infertility. For the exact reason you mention. Going to the park or grocery store becomes a reminder that your body is betraying you on a monthly basis. It sucks.
I thought after 20 weeks a loss was considered still birth? I found it odd that the study categorized these as miscarriages.
THANK YOU! No one is going to prison, they are getting kicked out of school.
I’ll bet you have somebody interesting/horrifying stories
Especially at such a small wedding. They would be kind of hard to ignore.
Rich Girls! I liked Tommy Hilfiger’s spoiled daughter.
It’s definitely the most outwardly racist part of New England that I’ve experienced. But I’m white so maybe other places in the region are just better at hiding it from other white folks.
I’ve never given birth but based on friends’ experiences a csection seems even more physically traumatic than a vaginal birth. It’s major surgery.
It wasn’t so much the money that turned me off from a big wedding as the time involved. There was absolutely no way I willing to spend a year of my life planning a party. No regrets so far.