
Connecticut has great pizza and great bagels. I miss them. 

You don’t. Drunk people at hotels pass out in elevators or the lobby or a random hallway. They don’t accidentally lock themselves in freezers.  

That song why I will forever have an irrational(?) hatred of all things Taylor Swift.

I spent a few years in cental PA and had some tangential experience with the court system there. This decision does not surprise me in the slightest.

People act like it’s impossible for a 19 year to volunteer in the community or donate money outside the Greek system. The charity argument is bullshit on so many levels.

It’s my go to flight show. The episodes are so long and relaxing!

Is there a German word for something that is both infuriating and entertaining? Because my town’s Facebook is both at the same time. There has been a string of ‘robberies’ involving opening unlocked car doors and stealing GPS units and loose change. People are freaking the fuck out over this crime wave. There was a

You know those movies set in South Boston aren’t documentaries, right? The Southie of movies and Southie of real life are laughably different.

People need to understand that racist Bostonians hate white Southerners almost as much as they hate black people. Confederate flags and rifles aren’t really their thing.

I live in a split level house and if I’m upstairs and my husband is downstairs my German Shepherd gets so stressed out. She sits on the one stair that allows her to see both of us at the same time.

Yeah I always thought and Irish Goodbye was when you realize that you are on the verge of passing out and need leave immediately before you end up sleeping in the bar bathroom.

Polar Seltzer>>>>>>La Croix. Every time my parents drive from Rhode Island to Michigan to visit they load up the car with Polar for me and chourico for my husband.

A lot of Corgis think they’re German Shepherds and most people don’t realize this when they get a cute little Corgi puppy.

Also don’t get a herding breed and then act surprised when it doesn’t behave like a Golden Retreiver.  

Why wouldn’t it be considered a suburb? It’s not part of Boston.

An individual person flying a confederate flag on their property is obnoxious and dumb. Statues honoring confederate soldiers on government property is much worse.

He seemed in over his head. He probably didn’t think he would be on Face the Nation talking about Nazis when he ran for mayor.

Wow this describes me down to every detail and I never linked it to my anxiety issues. Thank for the insight!

According to his mom he’s not racist because he has a black friend. Seriously. She said that.

The Toledo suburbs are definitely creepy. I accidentally moved to one after being transferred to the area for my job. So many Blue Live Matter flags and bumper stickers. I like Toledo though.