
Biggest mistake the United States ever made

My 95 year old Grammy lives in Sarasota and I’m positive her life is more interesting than these people’s. And she’s less racist.

This was very helpful. Now I’m contemplating if I would bang Mitt Romney.

As an Italian-American I’m honestly a little offended by The Mooch. At least Pauly D was in on the joke.

How tall is The Mooch? I’m guessing pretty short. If he were 6'3 I’d probably bang him. Sorry not sorry.

The Mooch is the guy we all hated in college but hung around with anyway because he had the best cocaine.

This whole thing makes me homesick for New England

Yes! And the ‘oh you kids these days plan and worry too much’ from Boomers who graduated into a decent economy with no student loans. It would have been great to have kids at 25 but I had literally no money.

My brother was never allowed to join Boy Scouts because my mom thought the uniforms made them look like little Nazis. I was allowed to join Girl Scouts only because the troop leaders in my town were two very hippy dippy lesbians. Mom was right, once again!

Thank God Connecticut isn’t a yuppie haven. That sounds awful.

I was at that riot, it was hilarious

I’m going to show this article to the next person who tells me that ‘there are tons of kids in foster care without families’ and I should ‘just adopt one’.

I don’t care, either. But my grandfather was an OB/GYN so that might be part of the reason.

My Reproductive Endocrinologist went to American University of Beirut! He’s great. Not a gyno, obviously, but still all up in my business.

I have actual friends from college fucking up their lives all over the place. Watching a show about it does not seem very entertaining.

Thank you, I’m in the middle of an IVF cycle and did not have the energy to formulate a response. For the record, if I do have a successful pregnancy there will zero ‘y’s in my baby’s name.

I had a hysteroscopy/polypectomy recently and when I explained the procedure to my mom she said it sounded like an abortion without a fetus. Which is exactly what it was. These anti-abortion politicians have given absolutely no thought to women’s health beyond ‘abortion kills babies’.

Because Charles Bronson is from Western PA and therefore the people of Western PA is slightly obsessed with him

Agreed. Having a (probably semi-ironic) lemonade stand one day and giving a blow job the next seems fairly normal and age appropriate for 15ish year old.

I’ve wondered about this for years. Why don’t cities have on call social workers like they do firefighters and police officers? Social workers deal with people in the midst of mental health and domestic crises constantly and manage not to shoot anyone. Calling the police for a mental health emergency is a terrible