
I do blame Jamie as well, though. He acted impetuously and on information from Lizzie rather than actually talking to his own daughter about her wishes, when he could have actually gotten some correct info from her. It was presumptuous.

There have been Wizard of Oz references since S1E1.

Considering the complaints from GoT book fans, I'm not so sure.

Yes, I noticed that much later. ;-)

TL/dr: Still hates Ron Moore.

As a sometime theater professional, I agree that artists have the right to their vision. Just like critics and audiences have the right to their opinions. Doesn't mean we have to like the art, doesn't mean every critic/audience will agree, doesn't mean the artist has to take our opinions into consideration.

"The point is: visualization is generally more powerful than narration. However, -too much- wisualization diminishes such power: you get desensitized."

Do we really need more evidence to loathe him? We know what he is. That scene as filmed wasn't necessary, IMO.

I wouldn't be surprised if they are trying to negotiate a two-season spread for Voyager.

And one of the least rapey, IIRC.

I thought the most recent was better (and closer to earlier form) than books 6 and 7, both of which really dragged in places for me.

Seriously. If SHE thinks it's over the top, OMG.

The writers are insulting us, then.

Agreed. I come here for the comment section. I find the reviews to be inoffensive but facile, which isn't the case with other shows here. For more in-depth reviews, check out Tom and Lorenzo's site and the excellent podcast by The Scot and the Sassenach. With the former, Tom is a former TV critic. With the latter,

He was hot enough to make that wig work. Respect.

"true to its source"


I know several people who stopped watching GoT completely because of that. I didn't make it past S2 myself.

I disagree about Fergus, though. Most especially because we have seen rape used (too) often already as a plot device (that's down to DG and is one of my few criticisms of her work), and because we already know what Randall is capable of and our minds can easily fill in the blanks.

Tobias Menzies is a good actor, but Ron Moore's passion for him is a detriment, IMO. Claire is the primary POV character. Jamie is the secondary. We don't need so much of Frank/Jack. And with villains, I prefer them subtle and their heinous acts presented with a less-is-more approach. We didn't need to see that Fergus