
Yes, even Pembleton had a dry sense of humor that leaked out upon occasion.

Kind of a cross between Barney Miller and The Office. I recommend it highly. Braugher and Crews are the best, truly, but I also have soft spots for Melissa Fumero and Joe LoTruglio.

I forgot about Roc! Great cast, great show.

I hate ABC for the way it bungled shows like Better Off Ted and Happy Endings (another great Damon Wayans, Jr. comedic role).

B+ (would have been an A without the Coach/Cece pairing).

"I'm just trying to figure out (account for?) the smell."

Agreed. If he were openly dating both, and each woman knew about the other, it would not have been cheating. But that's not what happened. They both thought they were in exclusive relationships. He was deceiving both of them.

"In an episode where I laughed out loud, alone, more than I have this season."

Nope, not the only one.

I laughed out loud several times during this episode, and that hasn't happened with this show for quite a while. Plus, Furguson came back AND this was a solid Winston episode. It gets an A from me for those things. But it still gets bumped down to a B for not letting Cece be a character in her own right rather than

Yes, I assume they knew each other at school back in England (public school, Oxford, etc.).

Right? I felt so sorry for Andy this week.

Even giving the writers the benefit of the doubt of knowing that Kafka was German/Czech, the wording of that was very ambiguous. So, slaps on the wrists for them either way.

That was my theory previously and I was pooh-poohed. ;-)

Who knows?

Abbie has plenty of badass moments, too.

"Ichabod finds a copy of Kafka’s Metamorphosis, Abbie tells him there’s a lot of great American literature he needs to catch up on. Um."

I….kind of liked Rosalee's weird rabbit Chia Pet. ;-)

Exactly. They play it straight without taking it too seriously. It's the perfect tone to strike for this show.

Yep. I would totally be down with a show called "Ichabod Reacts to the 21st Century and Abbie Explains Things."