
As a costumer, so do I! You should have seen me twitching when I saw Crane in his uniform. With facial hair. That was kind of a no-no in the 18th-century, although I think the navy got away with it a little more often. Also, as a life-long Philadelphia-area gal, I am somewhat of an 18th-century history nerd. ;-)

Makes perfect sense….in Sleepy Hollow world… ;-)

Well, the actual Quakers were strict. But who knows how strict the AltHistory Quakers were? Or if some of them were not, in fact, Quakers at all? There are already so many historical inaccuracies in this show, such fast-and-loose playing, that I've stopped even trying to reconcile them.

To be fair, she is given some of the cheesiest lines (in a show rife with cheese) and required to say them seriously.

Aw, I disagree. He was adorable. Just not so broody-sexy.

He was a better Bingley in Lost in Austen than any Bingley in a "straight" Pride and Prejudice adaptation, IMO. I just got the Parade's End DVDs from the library and I had no idea he was in that, too. Can't wait to watch it now!!!

No WAY a gravestone from the 18th century would still be so readable.

JRM has two speeds: petulant and quiet, petulant and yelling. So what I'm saying is that I think your theories are solid.

I thought it was a small natural sponge at first!

And put up your damned hair!!! Get it modestly under that cap, woman!

I assumed the Quaker persona was just a front for her.

This was an interesting episode, but the historical inaccuracies (this time those of hair and facial hair) continue to irk me. I suspect they always will.

You may have a point. The dynamic was much better last week with the ultimate fighter stuff.

"When it's every week, it comes off as a lazy way to avoid character development….it really shows how little the show is concerned with giving the tertiary characters lines. And I don't think that's fair to the talented people they selected for those roles."

"Not searching for higher purpose, haleyoj, searching for character development, consistency of tone and writing, and focus - things done by other sitcoms I've loved past and present."

I feel bad for Ed Weeks on a regular basis. I suspect that he is a fine comic actor, but he is being given very little to play with.

Olyphant and Bayer were great, but I think a B was generous. The Weeks/Pally stuff alone bumps this down to a C+ at best. Honestly, I'm not yet seeing what Pally is bringing to the show, much as I loved Happy Endings. I guess I just don't have a dudebro sense of humor. I kind of wish they'd brought in another woman

I'm glad Kristina survived the cancer, but I REALLY don't think she should ultimately become mayor. It's just not plausible.

I agree with you on the weeping. Which annoys me, because I really like Monica Potter.

I think the Camille-Julia-Zeek thing resonated so much because it was at least half about the Julia-Joel thing and she was just working it out through the Camille-Zeek thing. I mean, c'mon, that whole Julia speech to Zeek was just as much about her and Joel. That's why she broke down.