
They're going to need a good hair and makeup person to get him to look like Manson. I adore me some Ritter, but that boy canNOT grow a beard to save his life. ;-)

I don't think we've seen the last of the Victor conflict. But I agree with you on the Crosby/Jasmine/Renee issue.

I could NEVER dislike Lauren Graham, but, yeah, they need to step up their game with her character.

I will miss Adam and Kristina's dorky sexytimes talk. First we had "Funkytown." then last week "the Johnson file," and this week their Happy Days role playing fantasies and "Chateau Do-It." Everyone feeling the need to speak up at the adoption ceremony was squirmy (jeez, Zeek, just let Julia and Joel have their

Amber or Joel. I'm fine with either every week.

Oh, you shut your mouth, you!

The whole "ejaculation" conversation was PRICELESS! I loved Camille's reaction to Max asking if Zeke ejaculates ("At every opportunity"). Definitely an A grade on this one.

Preach!!!!!! I look forward to this as much as I do Parks and Rec, and that's saying something.

That was driving me CRAZY.I think he beard threw me off. Thanks for identifying him. He has such a unique look and voice, but I couldn't place him!

I adore this show, but Ben "stealing" all of the B-squad kids from school was WILDLY unbelievable and kind of ruined the episode for me. However, Paolo was comedy gold. Bravo, Mr. Kellum, bravo. And I laughed like a hyena during the end tag sequence.

Well, see, there's this little thing called humorous hyperbole……;-)

Well, see, there's this little thing called humorous hyperbole……;-)

Ugh, Grimm, for one. Their new opening credits are ridiculous. At least they ditched the cheesy voice-over after about three episodes.

Ugh, Grimm, for one. Their new opening credits are ridiculous. At least they ditched the cheesy voice-over after about three episodes.

Yes, each of the women were worthier foes, if that makes sense.

Yes, each of the women were worthier foes, if that makes sense.

"The problem with this show is that they're going for the big episode plots before they've fully established characters."Good point.

"The problem with this show is that they're going for the big episode plots before they've fully established characters."Good point.

I didn't care so much about the character, but I loved the way he played it and the way he kept us guessing: jerky but lovable? or a total asshole?

I didn't care so much about the character, but I loved the way he played it and the way he kept us guessing: jerky but lovable? or a total asshole?