
A politician had questions planted to friendly media??

Who does he think he is? Hillary Clinton?

Why is this shit being cross-posted to Deadspin? It’s Monday morning - could we maybe get something about, I dunno, football?

Weird. That’s not what you wrote, I can see what you wrote and you’re claiming otherwise.

Ascribing a single behavior to only one race IS racism.

No. A car accident is a tragedy. Cancer is a tragedy. Parents and GRANDparents riding around an overdosing with a kid in the car is dimwitted, sleazy and dangerous.

Right, its the fault of the police that his parents are gigantic pieces of shit.

The child was in no immediate danger and crime scene photos are SOP.

For one, I’m glad the little boy is with the relatives. So the mother fights two years for custody and then shoots up in the car. Well, sorry, she does not deserve custody of her child. I know a woman that had sole custody of her son as the father was absent from her life. One day mom decided to get high and then died

Except that the top ranked USWNT regularly loses scrimmage matches to teams of high school boys.

Eh, I'm sure when the big moment comes the Seahawks will probably pass.

...and it officially becomes this year’s Ice Bucket Challenge.

Meh. Player has a right to kneel in protest. Owner has a right to play the anthem early.

Women’s outdoor 1500m world record: 3:50.07

I played soccer with members of the National Team for a summer.

Like it or not the flag and anthem mean something to millions of Americans. It is hard to argue for nuance when you purposefully grandstand and preform a disrespectful act.

I hope you die young, painfully and forgotten. How’d that feel?

yeah, who invited these commentators in here? Just cause your house got burned down doesn’t mean you get to shit all over mine...

At Giants Stadium, you can have both.

Lots of guys get on their knees in front of other men in San Francisco. Don’t judge Barry.