
Good. This liberal fascist should be afraid to show her face in public. Her lies and race baiting are part of the far left plan to divide this country. She is a racist who shouldn’t have a job teaching children her lies. The less she’s seen in public the better.

White chick’s face says ‘Yup I know these fuckers are stupid”.

Pi R Justice?

Good for Kevin. If some asshole assaulted me I’d be happy to retaliate. Just because he’s a politician that doesn’t mean he’s open to assault.

Gee a summer of protests and violence may have turned off people from going to downtown Baltimore? What a surprise. Just another chance for the inner city to support their team.

Great, now you’ve confused the poor idiot with facts. That’s not going to help him.

So he’s Trump’s version of Al Sharpton?

While typing that odds are 2 more black people were shot in Chicago.

Are you saying you wouldn’t be pissed at seeing Pro-Trump articles day after day on Deadspin?

Specious reasoning is what Hammy’s career is based on.

You sound like a fun person.

“Nothing to do with Terrorism” - Mayor Retard de Blasio.

So you mean he’d enact the policies he and Republican’s are running on? OH MY GOD!!!!

It’s more about changerooms and showers. The law is designed to prevent boys from changing with girls and vice-versa. The other side only mentions bathrooms as they think it’s funny.

Some people have the weird belief that boys and girls should use separate change rooms? Crazy.

He can be in the cell right next to Hillary and your old bosses Hammy.

Getting scared Anna? Finally facing the fact that your girl just ain’t up to the challenge of the presidency? Can’t wait for November. All the crying and whinning will be very enjoyable to witness.

Worked for Elizabeth Warren.

Are you?

Don’t worry. There are always lots of white liberals ready to be offended on a minorities behalf. Whether said minority is offended or not.