
Yeah but Newman doubts the moon landings so he’s dumb despite his degrees.

Football and basketball players are the dumbest athletes. Just check their GPA. NASCAR drivers know more about physics and science than you could possibly hope to know. Hockey and baseball players are usually a close second.

Black Lives (don’t) Matter when killed by other blacks I guess.

No it actually couldn’t have just as easily been two racist white men doing this. If you took your head out of your ass long enough you could see that. But there’s no protests about this shooting, nor the other 66 people shot in one weekend in Chicago. Wonder where Black Lives Matter are on this?

Go cheer on the local beat poets fag.

You won’t do this because like all keyboard warriors you are a pathetic loser. But hey, you got other pathetic losers to applaud your fake ‘courage’. Good work.

It will take that long to find all the pills stashed about.

The whole damn country is space to discuss ideas. ‘Safe space’s’ are bubbles intended to prevent precious whiny brats from hearing things that they don’t agree with.

Grow a spine and shut the fuck up about ‘safe spaces’ you coddled twat.

I love hindsight too but to suggest that any team wouldn’t have taken Clowney #1 in 2014 is stupid. He was the consensus #1 pick, he just keeps getting hurt.

What movie directed by a woman is missing?

The tweet shows stupidity but not what you think. Look at the waste of fucking space that bike lane is. How many people are stuck in traffic so some bike rider can have half the road to themselves?

I guess the world owes those East German ‘women’ an apology then.

What’s the payment for quarter final losses?

I know it is hard when your head is up your ass Tom but this is simply a Muslim not wanting to shake hands with a Jew. One more example of how Muslims are crazy and racist. But sure, bad sportsmanship and angry at losing, that’s the reason.

The best way to deal with the morons in the media is to treat them with contempt and disdain. They are mostly scum.

She is a person who takes money from regimes that allow women to be raped and gays to be killed by the state. Yeah, I’m fine with people booing this woman.

You better hope to live another 4 or 8 years then.

Yeah because voting to ‘make history’ has worked so well. How about using your brain and not your heart when you vote.

The blog title says one thing. The articles suggest another.