
It really is too bad you spent your college days jerking to porn instead of living life Tom. Not everyone was as repressed and anti-fun as you were. Here’s a shocking headline: College kids did stupid things in college.

It’s easy when the plan is funded by transfer payments from the rest of Canada. Quebec’s social safety net is only affordable so long as the rest of the country props it up.

Of course they’re anti women. They’re democrats. The party of the actual war on women.

So nice to see Deadspin hires the mentally handicapped. Good Job Gawker Media!

Alcohol and stupidity go hand in hand.

Is being outraged on the internet fun for you? You people are mentally unstable and can’t take a joke. Get over yourself.

Not everyone has a stick up their ass like you people.

So, Shania Twain then?

She didn’t say no during the act. She participated. She fucking sang songs with the dude after. She was a willing participant and now regrets fucking a douchbag. It’s called remorse, not rape.

What happened to the women in Cologne Germany is Rape Culture. What this person experienced is regret not rape. She could have said no. She could have left. She choose to participate and then sangs songs with the guy after. This is clearly not rape.

No you were not raped. You may regret what you did but you were not raped. Get over yourself.

Unless you’re 1.5 billion in debt, winning the powerball will solve a lot of problems. You’re not going to win (cause I am) but $2 to dream is pretty cheap.

I took the under on Palmer completions in that game. My finest gambling experience.

What’s the point of being a sanctimonious prick if you can’t announce it to the world?

Types of Pride OK:

You can’t even be a slut on the internet honey. Go back to your netflix. The only action you see.

Good job white knight.

Give it away cheaply and there are always desperate men looking for any kind of affection. Usually these losers have to pay for it.

It’s funny to see Kharma work so quickly. If you’re hideous on the inside you become hideous on the outside too.

Osama Bin Laden delivered tapes to Al Jazeera. Hence, Al-Jazeera was in league with Osama Bin Laden. That’s the type of dot connecting this ‘journalist’ is attempting here.