
Give it away cheaply and there are always desperate men looking for any kind of affection. Usually these losers have to pay for it.

It’s funny to see Kharma work so quickly. If you’re hideous on the inside you become hideous on the outside too.

Osama Bin Laden delivered tapes to Al Jazeera. Hence, Al-Jazeera was in league with Osama Bin Laden. That’s the type of dot connecting this ‘journalist’ is attempting here.

Trust me Tommy. They think you’re really, really dumb. With good reason too.

Go watch paint dry, or soccer. It’s more for people like you.

Breaking News. Rich football player doesn’t have same world view as meager blogger.

The fact that baby killers like you are still around is terrifying indeed.

This is what happens when women are told and taught to not have respect for human life. This woman was educated by the baby killers and conducted her life in accordance with their teachings. She should rot in jail.

You’re a murderer.

It’s almost like normal people think murdering your baby is a bad thing. Get help you sick fuck.

Good. Hope she rots in jail for what she did.

Oh fuck off. He yelled at you. Go find a safe space and cry you little bitch. Of course the whiner is a lawyer. Looking for attention and a ‘settlement’.

Why does Deadspin support muslim terrorists? How many muslims does Gawker employ?

You’re an idiot. You believe the bullshit peddled by the hypocrite and his media enablers. These nannies aren’t part of the household budget, these are extra staff hired in addition to the regular staff. But you seem happy paying for a rich man’s children. Make sure to wipe your face clean when Trudeau gets done with

Reading comprehension not being a liberal strongpoint I’ll keep this simple. NO ONE CARES IF HE HAS NANNIES! The issue is the hypocrite should be paying for them himself and not sponging off the taxpayer like he said he wouldn’t do in the campaign. This isn’t about sexism, feminism, busy parents or any other strawman

He most certainly did campaign on not needing government help raising his kids. He lied and you are covering for the liar. Ben Kenobi was right talking about the fools who follow fools.

I am simply pointing out hypocrites and the idiots who support them

He has hired extra staff. These two are separate line items in the house hold budget that weren’t there before. You are too blind to see facts and want to cover for your hero. I get it. It doesn’t mean you get to ignore the truth when it doesn’t fit with your hero worship.

Take your liberal head out of your ass and look at the facts. PM Moron campaigned saying he didn’t need government cheques and rich people like him didn’t need government help with child care. Then the very moment he gets in office he starts billing taxpayers for his kids nannies. Nannies he is rich enough to pay for

No it isn’t. These two are hired on as extra staff. Again. If he paid for them himself like he insisted he could as he didn’t need any government cheque to raise his kids, there would be no problem.