
He’s a fucking hypocrite and is stealing money from taxpayers to pay for his child care. Which he said he didn’t need and wouldn’t take.

PM Moron just became PM Hypocrite. The guy is a millionaire and has spent his life sponging off the government and stealing from charities. This just continues his life`s history.

And then all white males can join a big class action against Gawker and the commenters who were gleefully attacking white males yesterday with no reason.

And this will be further pushed down Gawker’s page. Watch a flurry of articles will come out this morning and this will disappear from the front page real fast.

How dare reality and facts get in the way of your fantasies.

You’re a fool with your head up your ass. This was a muslim shooting up a bunch of people. This is yet another case of muslim terrorism that you and Gawker are content to ignore. Fuck you.

Well, Islam at least.

Don’t be so judgemental. Your cat may identify as a dog. Who are you to tell it otherwise, bigot.

I wonder what the author would make of the boxing scene today filled by Europeans at the heavyweight level and Latinos and Asians at the other levels.

Fine. Easy solution. Remove all cops from neighborhoods that don’t want them. Let them live the law of the jungle and turn the cities into little Somalia’s. Enjoy.

When did you stop beating your children?

How dare he not want a false accusation of rape to be publicized on national television. I heard you shot and killed 3 toddlers last summer. I have no evidence and the police didn’t charge you but I think my documentary on the subject should be aired on CNN.

One day your employer will hire an illegal immigrant to write snarky blog posts. Can’t wait to see your response then.

Stop killing babies. You’ll feel better.

You clearly just believe whatever Jezebel says. If you actually watch the videos you’ll see they are neither false nor heavily edited as this author claims.

Allahu Akbar is just something tossed around for fun. Nice one Billy. All those ISIS and Al Qaeda guys are just big soccer fans cheering on their team. It must be hard to be this dumb but somehow you manage.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that the Muslim Coalition isn’t too gay friendly.

You proved nothing wrong. All you did was show how dumb you are. You blame Christians for something that happened centuries ago and yet are too stupid or ignorant to see the truth of how today it is Islam and Muslims who are the cause of the world’s suffering. Remove Islam and the world is at peace.

Fuck off with your false equivalencies. These attacks wouldn’t have occured if these savages weren’t muslims.

Yeah but let’s keep things to this century and deal with today’s problem, not one that was solved 500 years ago.