Demanding the phone is a step too far and Brady was entirely correct to tell Rog to go fuck himself. That is a terrible precedent to set, and he’s right to wrap himself union brotherhood there, however disingenuous it may be
Demanding the phone is a step too far and Brady was entirely correct to tell Rog to go fuck himself. That is a terrible precedent to set, and he’s right to wrap himself union brotherhood there, however disingenuous it may be
We can’t prove anything say you are guilty, cause come on you must be, you are too good and we will lower the penalty....Please, stop being a big meanie and admit to the thing we cant prove.
Agreed on PatB. The other day, my six year old daughter asked me what we were doing tomorrow and I reflexively answered “The same thing we do every day, Pinky - try to take over the world.”
The circle jerk off session of the gawker comment section is truly the most boring part of this site.
Deadspin has become so left wing they make communists look like the Tea Party.
Still don’t care until someone finally openly talks about her legit being responsible for the death of someone because she was on her cell phone. It aggravates me to no end. She is no role model. There are so many much more deserving people of these praise that everyone seems to be throwing at her. She faced no…
Did Cait offer assistance to the family of the victim he killed? Probably not. I’m guessing she’s leaving that to the lawyers.
And the Gawker (and all media) trans march continues -
If only I wasn’t cleaning my oven, I would have been too busy getting stung by bees to tune in...
Thank goodness the guy didn’t have money, or they’d never have been able to tell if he intended to pay or not. Seriously, the kill kit should have been enough evidence by itself that he didn’t plan to pay.
This is the PC culture we live in. Mentioning the statistics of a country all of a sudden becomes racist. It’s no different than saying that a certain percentage of black kids grow up without fathers. Stating a fact becomes racist. We’ve become so hyper sensitive that it’s easier to jump all over a comment than deal…
So you are saying the education system in the Dominican is top notch?
Well the whole thing is way better. At first you assume he called all Dominicans stupid but you just find out he thinks the whole DR has a poor education system. Which is while an asshole thing to say is pretty true.
It might not’ve been unfair to Cowherd, cause he’s a dope and his message was still offensive and stupid.
Temperature is just one more thing that the patriarchy controls. This is not about conditioning the air; it’s about conditioning the oppressed classes to accept the cheapest, most convenient, and easiest air that the ruling classes can provide. It is a result of capitalism: An effort to monetize the human condition…
Jesus. 77°F is 25°C. That is nuts. It’s one thing to be working in an office that doesn’t have air conditioning, so it occasionally gets that warm on summer days, but quite another to aim for it. I’m a girl, and that is TOO HOT. Are the rest of you secretly lizard people? You are. I knew it.
Hi! Overweight dude here. I’m a big guy... 6’2”, 225 lbs...
That is the silliest headline I've read in a while. And I prefer the AC set just above meat locker.
I hear there are a few openings at Gawker/ Jezebel these days.
That's it, I'm voting for Trump.