Thank goodness someone of your unique and exceptional background was here to let us know that the comments were idiotic.
Thank goodness someone of your unique and exceptional background was here to let us know that the comments were idiotic.
Yep because every judge, every court, every county and every state are all the same.
She was awarded the order by a single judge who had not seen the preponderance of the evidence. When those involved saw all the evidence, they brought no charges against Busch. That was his vindication by the state and it put the onus on Driscoll that she was making allegations with no basis. This single judge doesn’t…
I don't think that you learned anything in college if that is your warped sense of fairness and the value of truth. In fact, under your scenario the "bigger principle" becomes involved in telling lies. That is in your pod.
Probably because even if a judge ruled in his favor, he wouldn’t get a lot of money out of a college student. Columbia, however, is another matter entirely.
Lollol, I am no MRA. Ye, go ahead and type in caps. That doesn’t make you look angry at all. Why would you think I am MRA? Cuz I said something that you dont agree with? Seriously, what happened in your life to make you so fucked up? You are hurting feminism by playing into the stereotypical angry screamer. Shame on…
Ummm....except she hasn’t. Because - like for all the people involved in the RS article - there have been no repercussions for being terrible at her job.
Why? Because I’m pointing out the fact that Anna Merlan has shown a clear inability to think reasonably on cases like this and thus its irresponsible to trust her to write about them?
How are you even allowed to write on this subject after you were exposed to be a petulant child with no ability to reason logically after the UVA hoax?
It would help if you actually indicated who won the semifinals (i.e., who wins between MLB and NFL).
It seems almost too obvious to point out that this is a bad, bad list.
NHL playoffs are incredibly enticing. Anyone who thinks differently is a heathen and deserves to be cast from society.
Come on, Drew, this is lazy. San Antonio has been reinvented over the past few years to be a beautiful offensive juggernaut predicated on crisp passing, impeccable execution, and even speed. Calling them ghastly and plodding is like calling Bill Simmons an innovative sportswriter; it means you don’t care enough to pay…
I'm having a little trouble finding the "Sponsored by the American Psychological Association" disclaimer.
Or maybe it's because owners can be clueless shits who are more interested in looking at an eggplant than making sure their poochy-poo isn't about to bite someone or take a shit.
Pretty much none of what you just said applies, and it’s clear that you’re uncomfortable with the ramifications of your shallow view on the matter.
So you’re okay with somebody aborting a viable child in the last few weeks of pregnancy.
Not that I’d ever want to, but I want to know why my deeply held secular beliefs shouldn’t allow me to deney service to say Catholics or Baptists given that I find their Church’s beliefs on LGBT rights immoral using the same logic?
See District of Columbia
Idiots! That's California!