
If Drew dies on a Tuesday, would we get a DeathBag?

Which is yet another reason for him to want to get the fuck out of Minnesota.

If frank underwood has taught me anything, it's that this asshole is just posturing for his May 9th election. Come football season, he'll be just as drunk and immoral as the rest of us terrible human beings who can't stop watching football.

Cowboys play in Arlington, which is 15+ miles West of Dallas, so there goes that idea.

You know, I'm starting to question my decision to let a professional sports league be my singular moral compass. It's almost like gigantic men hired to commit violence on each other aren't inherently the best people in our society.

This is pretty low on the give a fuck o-meter. Sing it however you want to sing it, no big deal. I'd rather the government focus on more important things.

Especially considering his prospective "partner" in his dumb scenario is a successful lawyer.

To the second letter writer: Most legal jurisdictions only look at the interests of the child when determining whether child support is payable and don't consider outside agreements or anything.

So, if you go through with it and she burns out/gets angry, etc., you're in all likelihood on the hook for child support

Adults who care about other adults eating habits are equally as annoying.

Is there a -1 button yet?

The best way to make friends is to travel with a joint.

DW refers to pretty much anyone still racing as "young man" though. Pretty sure he was calling Jeff Gordon young man until he was like 40. Weird? Yes. Condescending? No, that's just how he refers to people.

"who loves Minnesota and expressed fierce loyalty to the city even after he was traded to Boston" Which city?

Boy, the Browns sure love getting quarterback advice from men without jobs, don't they?

King Abdullah has one very good reason to keep the fundamentalist Islamists out of Jordan: His wife, Queen Rania must never be forced into a Burkha!

God is a capricious, power-hungry jerk who lives vicariously through his only son, what makes you think he *wouldn't* watch the NFL

I saw Olivia Munn on the tee-vee last night and it became obvious to me that God loves Aaron Rodgers.

He cares about the NFL players so much, he usually meets them 15-20 years sooner than you'd expect.

"What is clear is why this is happening. Toronto FC were bought by big-money owners who wanted to make a splash. " Toronto FC has been owned by MLSE since day one. No change in ownership, just more of the same usual incompetent mismanagement as the Leafs.

"But I hear Argentina is a nice landing place for us retired Germans," said Lahm.