Good, Alex Jones is a POS. I hope he has to pay millions of dollars and can no longer peddle his shit on infowars or anywhere else. That man deserves a suite in hell.
Good, Alex Jones is a POS. I hope he has to pay millions of dollars and can no longer peddle his shit on infowars or anywhere else. That man deserves a suite in hell.
Sure and that worked for you when? Do you spend time around current teens?
That fucking sucks. When I was in music we did NOT have to do that. But it also wasn’t a requirement.
In schools these days you’d be in just as much trouble as the bully. Plus bullies now don’t hit, it’s much worse with emotional and verbal abuse. Hard to fight back from that. Search kids who commit suicide because they were bullied.
Yeah, except I never got bulled in music. The main reason we want PE gone is that bullying is extreme. Kids do NOT need to be bullied, the suicide rate for teens is already high enough.
I got bullied in PE from 8-10th grade. When my mom could finally opted me out 11th grade I was so damn grateful. I had a boy who wore gloves when he had to hold my hand during the dance unit and several who would refuse to partner with me and my BFF for anything and always wore this disgusted look on their faces.…
God on twitter, so many trolls talking about how because they use the word “health” it’s too broad which means now women and doctors will go around killing healthy babies at 9 months. These are people who literally cannot wrap their minds around the fact that no one aborts healthy babies in the third trimester or who…
Right? The thought of that is horrifying.
Well this made me laugh today :)
If you know anything about birth this is a DANGEROUS sign- usually that the baby has had a bowel movement in the womb. These people were dumb as fuck
Ok I have midwife and doula friends and friends who do home birth- it all can be done wonderfully and SAFELY. None of them would EVER advocate doing it without someone who knew what they were doing, somewhere remote (unless an emergency or lack of facility- like you went camping and had a rushed sudden labor) and…
This is amazing and this woman should get a reward.
Isn’t he everyones?
Seriously, and men wonder why we fear them
There are water towers in my town painted red and white I convinced my youngest daughter they were frozen spiders, for years. I tried it with my 4yr old son a few weeks ago. He told me, “No, they are water towers.”
Jesus Christ on a cracker. This is the scariest thing I have read today. I am so sorry this happened to you and applaud you were able to write it down and talk about it.