Krogan Deathscort

I’ve seen so much about this over the last few days. Thankfully I have been seeing a ton of support for her and articles about how it isn’t her fault and blaming her is bull shit. I have dated people and watched friends date people who pulled that, “If you leave I’ll kill myself” crap. And it’s all fucking emotional

I would be furious if I had to deal with that after any of mine. 

ugh..... This is ridiculous. Had after one of my miscarriages, all five wanted babies, someone came into the room and then laid on me. “Guess what mama! Now you have to pay to bury this palm-size clump of bloody cells!” I would punch them in the throat. Like your grief and pain isn’t already awful enough? Doesn’t part

She could have been too big to get behind the wheel. ICE didn’t know she could drive herself. Maybe she didn’t have a license. The point is she had planned to have her husband take her and ICE left her there without knowing she could get to the hospital by herself. Scheduled c-sections are still stressful AF. She went

I am sick of seeing everyone say “it was a scheduled c-section!” That is still stressful. She still had to drive herself, and have major surgery alone. What if she’d been too big to get behind the wheel? What if the stress sent her into labor? American have become monsters when you can’t even be bothered to make sure

As a woman who almost DIED giving birth fuck you and your straw man army. He was driving her to the hospital for a c-section. Which is already a stressful situation. Major surgery like this isn’t a walk in the park. It means a stranger held their baby and took it to the nursery and unless family came asap she had NO

What the fuck. This is what American has become. If you aren’t disgusted/horrified and against this you are part of the problem and can fuck yourself.

Yeah, I’m not going to watch this. If I want to see a man punch a girl and then watch a girl starve herself into skinny I’m sure I can find it on the news or my facebook feed. This isn’t original in any way and every preview an article makes me certain I would feel like I did at 17, and I don’t need that in my life. I

Are we surprised anymore? Nope. Of course there is a tape of this. Just like there’s probably a tape of Russian hookers peeing on him. His base won’t care

Ah man, too bad it’s only in one place. I would eat that!! I would not share (maybe with my husband...maybe). Put some beef stew in one side and broccoli cheese in the other, yum yum!

As long as it’s not illegal you do you. You like the bigfoot porn, I find it nasty but hey. It’s a mythological creature. About two years ago I read an article on here about erotica novels featuring women hooking up with talking dinosaurs. There is freakier shit he could be into. I am much more interested in if he’s a

I am all for abolishing ICE. I don’t think they make anything better and we could use that money for other things.

About five years ago, and it was a good decision for me and my family. I think Westboro would have been much worse and made abortion makes you gay posters. 

I am not ashamed, the colombine one. Sooo fucked up.

Cinema Snob is the best, you should listen to God Awful Movies :) But yeah Christian films are all so damn stupid and toxic it is no wonder they act like assholes in real life.

Mine had a 48 hour waiting period and the protestors were annoying and horrible, with posters of “dead abortion babies” and telling me I would burn in hell. I flipped a few off and went in. It was very disturbing and activated my fight or flight response.

I don’t get this. Those people frighten and harass women going into that clinic, or really any clinic that provides women’s healthcare. Protestors don’t care if the woman is there for abortion or birth control, they don’t always care if the clinic actually provides abortions. They should not be allowed to stand that

I have been there, it is awful. I quit a job right before my son was born because with daycare costs I would have been working full time and only bringing home like 500 dollars as the rest would go straight to daycare. I found a part-time night job six weeks later that allowed me to stay home with kids during the day

But really wants you to keep that fetus you can’t afford to take time off for, or pay for, or possibly feed. 

well you need it to go to the hospital, right? Cause that’s what our society does now.