Krogan Deathscort

There’s an awful and immature dick joke in here somewhere, but I’m too emotionally tired from politics to see it. Someone else make it for me?

I have to say I was pretty proud of my fellow Utahns. We protested and were very vocal about how we felt about Trump even coming to Utah. We may be considered a republican state but the liberals are VERY vocal and organized. One of my friends flipped him and motorcade off. Couldn’t have been prouder. I just wish those

OMG this, so much this

Seriously had the exact same thought.

Am I disgusted? Yes... Am I surprised? Hell no. The entire Republican Party needs to be wiped out old school plagues of Egypt style.

He could have simply done ANYTHING except laugh about it and allow Trump to continue

While it’s nice to see him acknowledge and give support for women who have been treated like this by trump and sooooo many others.... I have a feeling, and call me jaded, that he’s only doing it because while he lost his job over the interview the giant rotten yam went on to be president....IDK, just my opinion ;)


Ok, quick question... Why is the president not being held to the same standards of all the other creepers being taken to task of late? He should lose his fucking job!

See if the apology was genuine that’d be different. And it’s so easy to tell when it’s not. Instead of saying it’s not all true and they are sorry “anyone felt bad” and trying to make it seem pretty. Say you’re sorry and own your damn mistakes and make it so we know you understand you were wrong.

Ok, that apology would have been great if he hadn’t gone into “Some of what is being said about me is untrue or mischaracterized,” and made it sound like he was only sorry he got caught. I support the idea of the apology, it needs to happen. But it needs to happen in the sense of “Yes I did awful things. I shouldn’t

eeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwww. Side note: Fuck Marry Kill is fun (when drunk)... But not about people you know and work with. That’s a game you play about the characters on your favorite TV show.

Thanks, I normally make steamed chocolate pudding at Christmas, maybe this year I will change it up :)

You know what I find really mystifying? I wouldn’t be nearly as upset with these dicks if they owned their bad behavior and apologized. I mean yes they shouldn’t have done it in the first place but acknowledging they did something wrong, feeling bad, eating crow and not doing it again would go along ways. It doesn’t


Let me start off with I am not surprised about Matt Lauer.

persimmon pudding? I dont normally like persimmons but this sounds intriguing

Home made cherry pie is the best, that store bought crap can suck it. I like pecan pie.

Why Isn’t there a middle option? I like pumpkin pie, but it’s not my favorite. In our family the tradition is I (mom) make two different kinds of pie every thanksgiving. Ones we haven’t had before. I’ve made cranberry orange, creme brulee, shoe fly, bourbon chocolate pecan, coconut sweet potato, a ton of different