Krogan Deathscort

I voted like a week ago and am glad it’s not something for me to worry about anymore- that being said Hillary Clinton would have to eat a baby on live TV for me not to have voted for her. (and even then....)

Seriously just had someone on fb post on my timeline a breitbart article about re opening the emails (cause she hates clinton and was trying to “stick-it-to-me”) and then get butt hurt when I said I didn’t give a fuck and it was all nonsense and there was much more important shit going down in the world right now. I

with dual citizenship too lol

This was a great segment. In fact I fucking love her show. But let me tell you. I follow Huffpost women on fb and they shared an article about how she got on trump about his debate abortion comment. I saw so many men commenting on there what a whore, skank, bitch, cunt, snatch, ugly and foreign chick she was...I was

YAY! But seriously those laws fucking sucked.

No, because old dude ignore that vaginas are good for anything else but fucking. Periods, abortions and miscarriages are things to get rid of and ignore.

There will be tiny graveyards at the back of hospitals filled with mini headstones and doll size graves. As much as this law is dumb and sucks balls- I am creepy enough to find that image fun.

In Utah if you have a LTA or miscarriage and there is actually a baby or a record of fetal death then yes- which is usually around the 20 weeks mark. But for abortions or miscarriages early on- nope

Depending on the state death records normally take about a year or longer to become public record.


kind of- this is the issue- using the word cremation may mean they have to have a mortuary pick up the remains to dispose and then offer the ashes to parents or have them buried afterwards. The article is unclear in exactly what the law means by cremation. You can’t just cremate a body at a hospital, a funeral home

Incinerate, unless you go to a clinic that offers fetal stem cell research and then you can donate it...But after those stupid ass videos pretty much none do anymore. They treat it like ALL medical waste.

Fuck this noise. Fuck these assholes. What’s next? It’s a crime if you get caught flushing your miscarriage? Cause I gotta say when I miscarried at 5 weeks I didn’t even go to the hospital and what came out of me barely filled three pads. I did got to the hospital both times I miscarried between 8 and 10 weeks (it

that one was scary as fuck

Yikes. I think Invitation, The Armoire and Venka were the scariest. Though the first one I read after it was commented and it was pretty freaky too. Great selection this year, I wish I had a scarier story to submit lol

That was one bad ass cat actually. lol

I didn’t feel guilty after mine. Just relieved it was over, my sister however has clung to her guilt over her abortion for a decade and thinks she is going to hell. All women handle it differently. I agree, we really need more shows to have realistic portrayals of abortion. I cried and it was a hard decision, but I