
Yeah. A lot of people haven’t noticed this change. Another reason I was happy to delete that goddamn app. Completely unnecessary.

Also, uh, don’t use your wife’s phone for cheating purposes? I wish I could get $48 million for being unremittingly stupid...

You left out: never use uber (full stop).

Most of us minorities choose not to pull any cavalier shit in similar situations, because it generally ends with us being punched, chocked, or having “committed suicide” by shooting ourselves in the back of the head.

Probably because he was scared and not everyone knows the exact details of all of their rights in any given situation.

I shop at Kmart. I grew up poor as mud, and even though I’m doing aight now, I’m still gonna get my cat food and $10 hoodies there.

Its government sanctioned racial profiling. His only crime was being brown and having a “funny” last name.

Yes, some white collar Democrats know where Kmarts and Sears are. Some of us shop there, and many of us have intelligent, non-Trump-supporting, lower-income Democrat family members who shop there (and have been boycotting the loathsome Walton family for years).

1/10 trolling.

Seriously, fuck these people and the so-called President. This is some Orwellian bullshit.

I still firmly believe that down the line Trump will have/invent a “serious medical incident” and have to stand down when he is sick of being the CIC

Are you kidding or just very dumb?

More mistakes?

I know you’re trying to be funny, but I think this comment is totally ignorant and disrespectful to the millions of Soviet troops who died fighting Nazi Germany so that, in 2017, the Russian national anthem could take the place of “The Star Spangled Banner”

“We’re in 2017 — something like this should not happen in America.”

Correct. The Imperial march is plainly heavily influenced by the “Mars” segment of Holst’s “The Planets”...but influence is very different from directly copying.

We’re in 2017 — something like this should not happen in America.

“Will Kimball—who is clearly well-versed in German pronunciation, should have seen “Deutchland Deutschland Über Alles” and immediately raised a red flag”

What a complete disaster. This was supposed to play instead of the Star Spangled Banner.

Stealing music or art from living people and claiming credit is copyright infringement and theft. Williams was influenced by classical composers, but he didn’t steal someone’s music and take credit. He didn’t steal money from another composer. You presented a false equivalence.